Recap if anyone cares...
It was Ali's birthday but did she mention it, wish him Happy birthday on socials? of course not because it was also Little miss 'all about me' birthday so THAT was all that mattered!
She sat smugly in bed while her house elf aka Mr Millen-Gordon came into the bedroom carrying a slice of birthday cake complete with lit candle singing 'happy birthday'.
She then proceeded to open her birthday cards and gifts, but that didn't take long seeing as she didn't have many presents
gifts included...
A book about flowers
A Jo Malone candle
Some Highgrove soaps
a box of wine
and a chavy roasting dish that wouldn't look out of place on Tanya Turners (90#s tv show footballers wives) kitchen worktops!
The en-suite bathrooms are finally finished and yes they are an ugly sludgy green colour with light modern tiles in the shower, mismatch sink, toilet and everything else and as the flooring is so thick there is a step into the bathroom #anotherdecorfail
Her collab with Sweed beauty finally went on sale and she had an event with press and a few influencers. She was nervous as she's never done an event like this before, hmm short memory love.
She is still copying Leonora
She is still as deluded as ever
she has pinned a post on youtube leading all her fans to Tattle
'Hi Lydia fans, enjoy having a good read of the Lydia threads'
and oh to top it off there is now a leak in the basement that looks like its coming down the wall.
It couldn't happen to a nicer person!