VIP Member
Timeless tweed v timed out twits
Thanks to @JMD for the brilliant thread title which received 46 votes. Congratulations!
* Yes, Lidl and Ali are embracing a "conscious (sic) way of consumption" , a "redefined minimalism" and a "sustainable lifestyle choice". Just don't stop sending those PR packages!
* @Pipsqueak stumbled across a gift card for David Austin Roses and noted it is almost identical to Evermean. We can't believe Lidl would steal somebody else's idea.....
* The book's cover was executed by Emma Ewbank designs and Jess Hart, senior designer at Orion books, as a "labour of love and a collaborative process with Lydia".
* Unveiling the cover on July 28, Jess said that she couldn't wait to get to work on the "physical" thing! You mean you hadn't started it already?
* Lidl says telling the book's illustrator what to do is "the creative part of the book process"....er....wouldn't the author say writing the book is creative? Telling the illustrator what to do is the bossing about part of the process!
* The book's clearly not finished as she's still writing acknowledgements. Just how long does it take to write 'Thanks to My Mother'?
* Belle PR are working overtime rehabilitating Lidl's image. It's like watching the metamorphosis of a poisonous caterpillar into an ugly moth.
* She's following their advice to look kind but complains about driving to a charity (Tuppenny Barn) on her own. What, no chauffeured car?
* Tuppenny Barn educates people of all ages about the benefits of growing, cooking and eating healthy food. Our past and pizza loving gardener Lidl is just the champion you need then!
* She reveals she is involved in the Prince's Trust #ChangeAGirlsLife campaign. It raises funds to change the lives of young women who are struggling. Don't expect any dosh from Lidl!
* In a vlog entitled "New beginnings - who is Lydia Millen?" Lidl talked about her favourite topic...herself.
* She wants to "take back her own story". Instead of pretending to be born into money we now have the rags to riches version.
* She's giving us glimpses of her life story in Evermean....but it's not an autobiography!
* She's left bits out to protect
* Let's play Evermean bingo - luxury, poverty, homeless, fancy cars, Florida holidays, grandma, skin care, Ali's family, step mother, boob job, "two worlds", nonno, skin care, uni, The End, Ibiza, blogger......
* Even #Globygate is reinvented as a victim of the pandemic... okay.....
* She now says that mid Feb 2021 to end April 2021 she "wasn't great" - was it her nonno's death, a missing cat, bad skin or the repercussions of bullying a pregnant hairdresser?
* New subscribers who fell for her old money facade are now perplexed that their idol was lying all along!
* Lidl booked a £1200 suite for an overnight stay and a £125 a head feast at the On Cloud 9 pop up restaurant at The Grove Hotel, Watford for her, Ali, her brother and his wife.
* A member of staff wept when she realised who was on the phone. No Lidl, they were sobbing at the thought that you were getting all that for free!
* Or was it because you slagged off the same hotel a couple of years ago after a stay with Ali.
* On a whim, she's ordering books in bulk from Amazon to populate the BOOKshelves in the office. Whodathunkit? She won't read them but she wants to look well read.
* Ali is astounded at how cunning foxes are but instead of putting a roof on the pen he's installed an automatic gate and created a herb infused dust bath for the hens.
Ali waiting for a fox
* They are having "people in" to plant a box hedge and climbers up the chicken wire around the hen's run. So... the hens will be in the shade and the fox will get a leg up!
* She's begging for a deodorant "client". She says she never used to need deodorant because she didn't smell. No, it's because you've never broken into a sweat Lidl.
* Ali says his "love language" is "acts of service". The other four are: Words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch and gifts.
* Lidl's is gifts. She likes presents but says she "never receives them".
* She used Sims Hilditch to design the Wisteria Room in the North Wing overlooking the courtyard. It's one of the most highly regarded interior design studios in Britain and specialises in the country house market....not guest rooms in new build bungalows overlooking driveways.
* Ken and Graham are doing the painting and decorating and we had a glimpse of the storage room that's the en suite.
* Invited for dinner Ken said grace before they ate. The MGs sniggered and snorted in an act of vulgarity and disrespect. To be honest I'd say a prayer before eating at The Bunga.
* She sought advice on what to wear to a wedding, saying her poll would divide the internet. It's so hard when you won't buy anything new, don't want to wear the same dress you wore before, only wear white or cream, have a wardrobe full of dresses and "want to make a statement"..... It's a wedding Lidl. It's not about you!
The wedding outfit with a white corset...very bridal!
* In her latest blog she's borderline manic. She says that Cawwie would tell her she's funny and sassy, adding: "That's why you keep people round you that only blow smoke up your arse". You said it!
* She says she put By Terry on the map. Hmmm, not sure about that but you put it on my list of products to avoid!
* She says she invented luxury vlogging. I say you are living in cloud cuckoo land.
A narc in action
* The Big Green Egg in the outdoor kitchen was fired up at last. Now Lidl wants a butcher's block....presumably for the Hermès handbag.
* She's building a rapport with Ali's friends. Take your time, you've been with Ali for 10 years, Lidl!
* She says she has a niche sense of humour. So niche it's not funny!
* We mentioned we hadn't seen the Defender for a while. She shows it. She's unhappy it had to have extensive mechanical work. Don't say you had to pay for it yourself? That was an expensive Christmas tree shoot! Ha!
In other news:
* Vic has an article on personal style in Harpers Bazaar.
* Leonora Smee held a fancy "luncheon". Guess who wasn't invited?
Pics thanks to @Greentrees @snarks @Peppypoopar @Namima @thedevilactuallywearsLV