And sending FROW to hell!!!
top voted titles were @Lola Faith and @Georgieee but characters are limited so i tried
Good. Evening. voted titles were @Lola Faith and @Georgieee but characters are limited so i tried
And welcome back to the thread
**eyefucks one self**
I’ve had a few days off “work” due to my really, really tit skin **But remember to use my affiliate link for that 700 quid “cleu da poop” cream**
I’m now back on my “A game” and better than ever.
until tomorrow.
So I’m about to let you in on a little secret!
I’ve been working on thread FIFTEEN behind the scenes FOR MONTHS!
**3/6 minutes**
but as you ALL know
**You all know because I try and drop it into every bleeping tweet or Instagram story in an attempt to make it look like I refuse jobs!**
I will never allow my viewers to use a product unless I’ve tested it out fully first...
**and until I’ve got an affiliate and can get paid to promote the tit out of it**
So welcome one and all to the THREAD. OF. DREAMS!!!!
A game changing thread’s safe to say is on the same level as my game changing...
bleeping. blank. paged. A5. freebie. note book.!!!
I really said that I really called a blank notebook a “game changer”
I’m just back from the sking trip of DREAMS.
So many freebies that I can sell on my depop!
And considering you all know my LOVE for aminals you will be happy to know....
I got to wear an AMINAL on the slopes!!!
A DEAD ANIMAL!!... sorry aminal
We’re also pretty sure a dog was put down,
My little influencer girl boss crew are such bleeping dick heads to be around we scared a pup so so bit Leonie!!!
Now obviously that’s very sad, and it was probably destroyed but what do we care..
think of the fur coat that could be made from actual husky fur!!!!
A fur coat of DREAMS!!
Gosh, that’s harsh isn’t it, especially when I try so hard to pretend I love the little fluffers/animals/shits but that’s the reality!!!
They just look FAB hung from my shoulders on the gram, and they complete any outfit!!
I’m still looking for my new assistant, you know the one I’m planning to duck in the shed #SHEDMASwiththeMG’s
But unfortunately we’ve found nobody to fill the position yet,
so to all you desperate idiots who applied, The ones that are still waiting to be interviewed
I really don’t like the look of you I don’t even want you IN MY SHED
as you might have seen on my stories, my latest collection of **tit nobody needs or wants** will be launching soon!!!!
But for now settle yourself in and subscribe to my
Lydia Millen X Tattle life collaboration.
Number 15 in The game changing series!!!
continue here