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New thread for mother of the year licey! Loved the tag line so used it lol
People who have truly been abused never play the victim ! NEVER , cause in our minds , we play the victim then our abuser has won!Lucy I actually was abused, I don’t sit and brag about I know where he is 24/7 and I don’t sit on TikTok saying he has a big dick like you do I don’t speak to him for safety which is what you should be doing if you have actually Been abused (which I doubt).
you poured water over yourself and blamed him. You check tattle religiously then say you don’t care what ‘haters’ think. We’re purely just showing you why you’re a horrible human being. No ones jealous of you with your horse teeth and your lying tendencies your bio Says “nice people only” what people who enable your lying and racism?
I don’t even speak of my DV to a lot of people because it makes me appear vulnerable and that’s the last thing survivors want to appear as ever again. Knocks me sick when she posts it everywhere, she’ll try turn being ‘abused’ into a personality trait now like she does with mental health.And I've never in my life stated the words 'be kind' , that makes me cringe so much! I work on respect bases I treat people how they behave to others, even with you I've sometimes felt slightly sorry for you for a split second then the next minute you are back to being rude to someone who just asked you a simple question so it quickly goes!
It then reminds me why I don't really like people and why I prefer animals
People who have truly been abused never play the victim ! NEVER , cause in our minds , we play the victim then our abuser has won!
Ffs this is so annoying. She doesnt have mental health everybody does that is literally your brains health. She has mental health issues or mental health condition ffs not just mental healthGuys she “developed many different mental health” so as fans we need to be nice to her
It would be him having supervised contact in a contact centre, all contact would he made through social services & due to the extent that she has gone to in lying they would “protect” her so she wouldn’t have contact or be able to see him, but I’m sure what she’s doing is actually slander, he can get her chargedI actually wonder what Kaine thinks of her and her DV lies surely he can go social services and tell.them she keeps dragging his name through their and telling lies about him
Just read twit faces Instagram I swear the girl hasn't got 1 bleeping brain cell in that head. No social havent let Kaine near his son because he would have to go though checks and prove to social he won't hurt her or Leo and after what she has put about him I doubt they would let him near him they easy. So lucy isn't only a tit cleaner tiktoker she is the shitttest mom ever!!! Letting g her son round not 1 but 2 abusers wow mom of the year award goes to horse face lucy
I agree I don’t see any bullying, it’s just opinions that she doesn’t like. She’s a very selfish girl, yes girl. She’s no women as she’s not matured at all. She only has content aswell because of tattle.Apparently if we knew her before we wouldn't call her a bad mum or bully her!! Firstly I judge her for what she does now! I can see that her parenting skills are basic at best and I do believe she puts herself first all the time! And secondly ain't no one her bullying her we are just saying what we see and giving our opinions weather they are brutal or not ... Lucy stop blaming everyone else for how much of a tit person you are and for the love of god please sort your fringe out!!