VIP Member
Who in their right mind is supporting her!? I don't get it, she's so vile and you can just see on everyone's faces in there that they are exhausted from her.
How can you look at how she behaves and think "you go girl" is beyond me. She's so immature and egotistical.
The way she went off at Brett for saying that him and Priya would get on outside the villa cause they move in similar circles was just so nasty and frankly nuts. The NEED to make every situation about her is so intense and unhinged.
Even expecting the other girls to come up and tell her that her and Teddy are not the most compatible couple in the villa out of the blue just shows she thinks she is the centre of the universe. Her inability to understand that her screaming at Teddy, her telling everyone that would listen that they were incompatible, her coupling up with another man are all signs that they are incompatible and would make her an obvious choice for such a vote hurts my brain.
She fails to realise her friend's can be rooting for her and still think that their other friends are in more compatible couples. The ego on her to think that everyone else should be voted for except her is so childish. She basically trying to bully herself into the final.
I can see some serious Narcissist traits in her, I have noticed them since the beginning but the last 2 episodes and the Teddy screaming match really cemented it for me.
Sorry for the rant but I just really wish she was gone already, it's so frustrating seeing such shitty behaviour being rewarded.
I completely agree. She has ruined this series for me. She even said yesterday “we need to stop walking on egg shells” but doesn’t realise she’s the reason they are! There genuinely seems to be an atmosphere around her. She thrives off drama but not everyone else does.