Again, its not and shouldnt be used as an excuse. Faye has given enough info to reasonably believe it is a trauma response ('brutal' family, her mega insecurity and where it stems from etc). That doesnt make it ok, but it provides background. She is so ruled by her emotions, she clearly hasnt learnt or been shown how to regulate her emotions.
People generally wouldnt ask Why? Why someone acts how they do, or why they do the things they do. You take it at face value. Theres a bigger conversation there about that connecting with mental health stigma in the UK. It doesnt excuse any of it, but its background. I find the links of behaviour and MH interesting, how brains are literally shaped by trauma or how brain injury changes behaviour etc. So thats just me being an egghead
I agree though, glamourising it for entertaiment is simply failing in their duty of care to everyone in there. And for a show thats had sucide related deaths, its really dodgy ground for them to carry on with it.
It does provide some background, but as you’ve also said, 99% of the public won’t think as deeply into it and instead see that this type of ‘confidence’ is being promoted.
I don’t want this to sound patronising but I am also very aware of the links between trauma and behaviour. I am a mental health nurse so have studied the trauma based approach and work with very complex individuals! (I also could read for hours about it all )
obv not arguing with you at all! The world would be a better place if we all had more understanding of this stuff!