yeah Louise, "affordable" when the brand gifted them for free. approx £15 per product, which is not "affordable" for many, and completely unnecessary for a 13 year old - but even more obnoxious to use the term "affordable" and then open a cabinet which is completely FILLED with every bottles of every single product from the range. like, i get it's an ad - but many people would struggle to afford ONE of those products, let alone perceive the entire range as affordable.How obnoxious showing this off.
Hahaha, tell her to go watch Michaela McDaids updates on her gum care tripI’d like to think I’m empathetic but her latest post about visiting the dentist and her need to see the hygiene is irritating. GROW UP WOMAN! You are a Mother of two
not only that, but bragging about her ability to go to the dentist and take both girls for regular check ups, in addition to how she has booked a hygienest appt - once again - is hardly "relatable" content, given how expensive dentist appointments are and the lack of NHS dentists etc - she can hardly claim she is unaware when it was all the news last week about the impact of no "affordable" dentist treatment being available to the majority of children. any opportunity to show off her privilege.I’d like to think I’m empathetic but her latest post about visiting the dentist and her need to see the hygiene is irritating. GROW UP WOMAN! You are a Mother of two
How obnoxious showing this off.
I was about to comment this! Every time we see Darcy her hair is slicked back, it’s very on trend at the moment amongst tiktok which is probably why she does it but it completely ruins your hairline !Her hairline is going to prematurely recede with a slick back like that. I speak from seeing it happen to 18/19 year old soldiers when I was in the army. I never went quite extreme with it due to tension headaches it’d give me but the other girls I knew now years later have regrets
Honestly this doesn't make me dislike her half as much as her false plummy, look how classy and rich I am bollocks. This does remind me of the old Louise, the one who did silly story times and swore. The Louise who rebranded from the twee version of herself, siting that she wanted to be more herself and show the real her who used foul language and didn't sensor herself (anyone remember this video). Where is that version of her now? I know people change as they age and that's fine! I'm just surprised how she's even more twee and sickly now than she was years ago before the rebrand. It's like she's gone 100466 miles an hour back to how she was and then some.Not what I needed to see on my timeline today, thanks Louise