Lost in Transit - They seem a bit lost themselves

So glad there is a thread. I used to like their vlogs and I kept up with them during the Nepal/ Mt. Everest videos right to the end. I kinda went off them a bit and I'm not sure exactly why but there was just something off putting during that Nepal trip and then the whole oh we are moving to Ireland craic and then silence on that front. Apologies if they have spoken about it since. I get they are young and have no responsibilities so they are incredibly lucky to be able to travel but I just feel like they are all over the shop and the latest thumbnails are very similar to off grid with Jake and Nicole.
Forgive me for putting this in the wrong thread / tagging. I hadn't ever created a thread before this one

Anyone seem to think that from their most recent videos, Tom isn't in love with Izabel anymore. She is annoying, don't get me wrong...but he just seems entirely uninterested in anything she has to say/do. She seems to be begging for his attention and she never ever gets it. It's really sad to watch actually.
Well Izzy is pregnant. Tbf Tom seems genuinely happy and they seem pleased. I don't know how they earn enough money to support a baby though.