So for two packs of steak €60 odd ?? Vulgar horrid bragging witch
People stuck in buildings in a war torn country , one poor lady feared they would starve . Horrid Nasty witch not a care in the world for others. On with her crocodile tears a while back, all she does is open the eyes wide keep twitch them until a few years trickle out. False ! He is just a bad , such a scrounging family, almost everything is free for them. She brag , beg by tagging , would the parents not stop her, do they think it’s ok? That’s the very thing that annoys me about Catholics and I am one , kneel praying , mass and squeeze tears out while playing with their rosary beads, maybe pop a few quid in the collection box , then out of the church, stand at the gates gossiping,stick their noses up in the air at those less well off than them. back to their greed and gluttony , seen it with relatives over the years . They would make you
they are the reason I never go to mass any more. Hate hypocrisy , hate greed, bragging. Means f
k all to when when I hear they are doing Novenas, if the parents were not they same as her they would get her to stop it Hope they choke on it . God makes them and pairs them!