I’m also bracing myself and I don’t know why, I’m just living in fear awaiting my Tesco shop! Better not be delayed again, I was panicking last time, really must change my delivery to another day!I agree with those who don't think that the "4th Man" is one of the holy trinity. I think it's far more likely to be a peripheral character. I do think one of the big 3 characters might die tonight though and I'm bracing myself for it being Ted. (Hope I'm wrong!) Ocado just dropped off my popcorn and treats so I'm all set now....just a few hours to go....nervous but excited!
Incidentally are we all believing that Fairbanks is genuinely in the poor mental state that he portrayed when Steve & Chloe visited? Just a thought.
Also no I don’t think Fairbanks is necessarily in quite such a bad state as he portrays