Saw that! Shes on her 3rd free hotel stayI've mixed feelings about her. I like her content for the most part and think she puts in a lot of work. Works harder than a lot of other Instagrammers out there.
However, she gets an unbelievable amount of freebies. She's on a 2 week trip around Ireland and so far it's all been gifted. Huge rooms in really fancy hotels that I'm sure most of her followers couldn't afford (I know I couldn't). She also has an amazing support system (which in fairness she is grateful for) - can't believe her mother travels from Clare every week to mind her kids. She's always out for lovely dinners as well. I don't really think she is representative of the average mother of 3 young children.
I'm probably just jealous really!!
I’ve seen her page . It’s full of useful resources of great stuff to do with kids and she has the knowledge /experience of being a speech and language therapist to back it up . She has amazing energy. There’s no way that I would make slime or edible foam let alone allow my kids to play with it on the sitting room floor
She’s good friends with Aoibhe from what I’ve seen on their pages but I wouldn’t put them in the same category at all .
No she doesn’t as far as I can see. She’s an amazing Mam and really works hard on her page and the kids are so gorgeous. I wouldn’t do a lot of what she does simply because I’m not at home with my son I work full time. But she is great with them and full of handy tips for entertaining little ones. I do like her don’t get me wrong I think she’s really nice but I have an issue with all the bloggers getting free hotel stays gifted at the moment when a lot of people can’t afford to go anywhere it would be nicer if more companies ran comps for the ordinary Joe to get a nice break with their kids. (And I’m saying this knowing that I am very lucky we both work and can afford our own staycation later in the summer if we want to go. I’m very grateful for that in case I sound like a moaning Myrtle!)I LOVE her!
to be fair I think she deserves the freebies! She works hard at what she does for kids.
Bit jealous, but in a good way, if you know what I mean. She has great content and works as well. And her kids!!!!!! I wish I could do half what she does with her kiddos. But the control freak in me can’t let go.
She doesn’t deserve to be picked apart here.
She’s a speech and language therapist for kids. To do that job is hard. My child had language delay. Luck they didn’t need therapy. But the frustration therapists have to deal with. Hard work!No she doesn’t as far as I can see. She’s an amazing Mam and really works hard on her page and the kids are so gorgeous. I wouldn’t do a lot of what she does simply because I’m not at home with my son I work full time. But she is great with them and full of handy tips for entertaining little ones. I do like her don’t get me wrong I think she’s really nice but I have an issue with all the bloggers getting free hotel stays gifted at the moment when a lot of people can’t afford to go anywhere it would be nicer if more companies ran comps for the ordinary Joe to get a nice break with their kids. (And I’m saying this knowing that I am very lucky we both work and can afford our own staycation later in the summer if we want to go. I’m very grateful for that in case I sound like a moaning Myrtle!)
Yes agree I've always noticed that the clothes she puts youngest boy inShe has plenty of opportunity to do ads I’d say but she seems selective about what she will post which I really like. She doesn’t seem to be on the beg for everything like most people. The odd time I will admit to racing through her stories sometime I find the perfect parenting too much but only if I’ve failed at parenting myself that day and really the only fault I could find with her is that I don’t love her tendency to put strange outfits on the smallest fella. And that’s only a personal view. She’s a fab mother and they are great little lads.
He is such a character the little fellow. The matching clothes don't love so much.That child is a complete howl he is so fab. But can’t cope with the matching clothes on the 3 of them. Or the frilly collars. Or the jumping on the kitchen table. I am a mother of a small boy myself he can’t walk as yet but he will absolutely not be allowed bounce on the kitchen table do toddlers do that a lot? I’m starting to get the fear of what being a mother of a boy child will be like!!