Or perhaps from a nearly 50 year old man in an artisan coffee shop in Chiswick?Were one of the 5* reviews from 'an Amazon Customer, Bucks" by any chance???
James O'Brien has been making lots of errors recently. His support for Insulate Britain is yet another area where he got things wrong and since then he has been rattled, For example he was demonstrating his love for the establishment by retweeting Christiane Amanpour of CNN. If she was to return the compliment it would make James's Christmas. Only one problem, the facts.Wow, that's just a bizarre take on everything, Climate Change etc... while managing to shoehorn Brexit in at the end, and Lineker also, who has more skeletons in is closet than a graveyard.
Listening to it makes absolutely no sense, he slags off the average person who do their best regarding Climate Change and want to leave the world in a better place than they found it.
And defends the awful preachy people in power/celebs who fly everywhere on private planes, and whose carbon footprint for a year will vastly outweigh the average person's footprint in their lifetime.
BTW, l cannot stand Climate Deniers, but this is such a bizarre ramble, you do get to thinking whose side this extreme venting rant on
Case numbers are spiking but UK PM
is sticking to his plan despite some calls to introduce a mask mandate "
Actually they have been falling according to the 7 day average.....
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