It must indeed be very confusing for poor old James trying not to offend different segments of his woke fanbase, especially when their various issues are at odds with each other. Five years ago it was far easier to just be the good lefty bro who supported every minority / oppressed group under the sun and blamed all evils on the Tories. I suspect he was very burnt by the trans debate, supporting the rights of men to enter female spaces, and then realising how much he’d pissed off feminists despite claiming to be one.James is very confused this morning,
"I don't know" over and over, he's testing which way the wind is blowing regarding his fanbase.
Uncle Keith's facebook
"I am building a mental framework"
Didn’t tune in to find out I’m afraid. I’d be interested to know too. There’s only a certain amount of James O’Brien I can take in a week.That hour was cringeworthy to say the least. It was actually quite funny listening to James desperately trying not to offend someone.
I haven't heard James recently, did he ever address the fact Jon Stewart was livid with how his remarks were taken?