I like Iain Payne. I think he's done a great job in taking over from Steve which was never going to be easy. He has just the right amount of light topics leading into the serious Breakfast show. HIs call in yesterday about older people working was good. I too applauded the 75 year old woman working at Selco on the forklift and the 74 year old scaffolder.
I think I'm sort of done with LBC. I did a lot of driving this week and used to always put LBC on to stimulate me but found myself listening to about 10 minutes of JOB and 5 of Shelagh. I don't know if it's news fatigue and the fact all the news media do these days is be overly dramatic or in the case of LBC just the same of topics and schtick from the presenters. It's no coincidence the only things I listen to on LBC are Iain P and Nick A on a Friday and Saturday.
( Here's news for the older LBC listeners, I was listening to David Hamilton on Boom and he mentioned his old pal Pete Murray. 98 and still going. Apparently he and Diddy David did a show for Boom on Boxing Day. 'Radio's Oldest Double Act' ... David is a mere youngster at 85 )