Lauren Whelan

She'd actually advertise anything. As if subway need any advertisement 😂

She'd actually advertise anything. As if subway need any advertisement 😂

a pet peeve I have with influencers is when they advertise things that has nothing to do with their brand, for example a fashion influencer promoting kitkats, it makes no sense. It just screams cash grab to me
a pet peeve I have with influencers is when they advertise things that has nothing to do with their brand, for example a fashion influencer promoting kitkats, it makes no sense. It just screams cash grab to me
I always get secondhand embarrassment when they advertise Coke Zero and try to make it sound natural but are contractually obligated to say Coca Cola Zero Sugar every single time. It’s so forced and unnatural, Charleen and Ellie are awful for it on their pod. But yeah Lauren would advertise anything.