Laura Anderson #7 Will attend the opening of a dishwasher

Her first instinct is to get her phone out and record the fact that Bonnie tit herself and its all over the carpet?! Clean it up and make sure Bonnie is OK

And then to top it off she's actually recording herself leaving Bonnie unsupervised in the bath. It's bad enough she obviously leaves Bonnie unsupervised but to broadcast that to the world is absolutely baffling. I hope her health visitor or mum is watching and has a word
Some people just should not have kids! So Bonnie “tit herself” news flash Laura she’s a baby!! And her first thought is to film it and share all over the internet for 1000s to see. How is it on the floor, and in the sink and she had enough time to “eat it”??Then openly announces she’s left her alone in the bath?! Wtf