
These two just came up on my FYP. No attempt to hide or conceal the neck bruises!
People like this are a different breed.
They keep coming up on my FYP, it’s their kids I feel sorry for - and apparently their 15 year old is transgender. They are actually scary, the taller one looks like a kids cartoon drawing of Slender Man!

Those singing videos make me cringe so bad, what are they trying to achieve? And don’t get me started on the hairstyles.

Why do these peoe thing they are famous?!
I was so hoping for a post on these 2! But for some bizarre reason the only mention of them is in the welcome thread! Thankfully a lovely mod somewhere has started on for me!

Please tell me more than myself and the other 2 people who have previously mentioned them have seen them? They are so cringe but at the same time I cant help but watch them for some bizarre reason that leads me to belive that I have some kind of neurological defect.

Kerana0208 - Consists of a lesbian couple Kerry and Anna, with 4 kids (2 each from previous relationships) a teen who I believe is now identifying as non-binary after coming out as trans, 2 "autistic" sons whom are very close in age and a younger daughter. They all look as though they need a bloody good scrub in the bath.

The feel the need to constantly let the world know that they are Fiancee and Fiancee and are clearly benefits scroungers trying find a way to make some quick cash to top up their fortnightly payments. Clearly their 2 autistic sons dont bring them enough of the 🤑🤑🤑 in benefits. In my early days of watching them on a live I recall them claiming to not be on benedits and that they are infact part time mechanics, then seconds later said they didn't know what their "colourful car" make and model was :rolleyes:.

They have the most *questionable* sense of style which sees them mimicing one another on the daily, they claim its because they have the same dress sense, I guess Kerry being as long as she is (my estimates judging by her legs is about 10ft - ;) ) means that they are unable to share clothing, which would be an otherwise sensible option and way to save money. They literally wear the EXACT same clothes even down to the hair colours which seems to be currently sponsoder by skittles. I mean I've heard of the whole lesbian urge to merge but these two just take it to a whole new level.

I dont understand why they feel the need to constantly be all over each other in their videos? The kids must be so embarassed, and before I'm accused of being homophobic I'd be saying the same about ANY couple covorting all over the place in front of their kids.

The long one [Kerry], as she seems collectively known by frequent commenters has some of the worst dental hygience I've ever seen. Now it could be just me being a bish but I do have a personal thing about oral hygiene and teeth that freaks me out and thus could be clouding my judgement but her teeth literally resemble tombstones or sugarpuffs - take your pick.

Whenever I get a glimps of their house straight away I can imagine it smelling of stale fags/energy drinks, stale cooking (you know the kind - deep fat frying smell) and stale fusty animal enclosures (from their numberous animals which they adopt/foster - aka buy.)
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how did I even miss this thread, I specifically searched for it! ooops. I've just started another thread about these 2. I'm sure it will be deleted once the admins/mods realise its an accidental duplicate, but now I dare not post what I posted in that thread in case they think I am a spam bot. 🙃