Kelly...Kids and the Commute #4 Unemployed and overworked! Every excuse to dodge time with the girls!

How come Kelly seems to practically live at Tiger Fit now?! Did her husband order her to get off the sofa and lose weight?! I know it’s exercise but I do feel rather than dragging Abi along each time she could be doing something so much nicer in the fresh air that would benefit Abi like a bike ride, family swim or a walk. Dancing in a windowless blacked out room doesn’t seem very nice. Or she could send Abi to brownies or gymfinity or something where she would actually learn something.
She must believe in it, just have to look at the food she gives to the girls, the freezer version or McDonald's, no difference.

The story with Abi in yesterday, she’s really pilling on the weight and then Kelly advertised McDonald's, I find this very wrong! Especially from someone who portrays herself as an educated woman. No words on her absent husband!
Kelly parading at Tiger Fit. Positioning herself as an intelligent woman. Then advertises this.
It really grates that they literally will flog anything to their followers- a lot who will be impressionable/gullible and believe she’s doing them a favour. It’s everything I hate about Insta-mums. I thought better of Kelly a couple of years ago. She is now just a generic, tedious, ‘content creator’ who exploits her poor daughters and sold their childhood for a few freebie burgers.
Kelly used to be really big on bleating about only promoting brands she truly believes in. McDonald’s, Kelly? Really?
Sugar, salt, junk.

Yes Kelly “believes in” McDonalds trash food and Maom sweets. That’s about right!

The very last thing Abigail needs is another McDonalds.

I don’t even want to imagine how much chocolate she is about to consume over the Christmas period. Poor girl looks huge and she’s only 6.