Exactly - she’s done exactly as she wanted over Christmas else she would have posted!She is absolutely full of tit.
There is no way in this world she would not have been posting if she had COVID she would have milked it for everything it was worth.
So by her selfish actions of mixing with households she has most probably passed it from one house to the other.
Aren’t they in tier 4 so which ever house she is in she needs to stay there untill the restrictions are lifted not just when some one gets the all clear as there is no movement between households you thick twit.
How was she even at her mum and dads to begin with?! Silly fat cow
Well if that’s the case she’s even thicker as she now can’t move back to Dan’s untill she comes out of tier 4You know what this is don’t you?? A massive lie, so she can post all her Christmas pics soon saying this is there BELATED Christmas seen as though she had covid. When we all know they’ve carried on as normal. Wow they really think we’re all thick!!
Someone commented bet you’ve lost loads of weight being ill, I’ll put money on it she hasn’t
Exactly if they were really apart we would have had the constant love you miss you love you more my model girl friendI agree it’s bullshit, she would have been posting loads looking for sympathy in bed. Funny how he’s not posted in the past 2 weeks either except the random photo