Brace yourselves pals, I present to you the recap of Katie and Geoff's weekly bollocks
The gorgeous Bath edition
Too bad G's shoes are so much bigger than hers, she'd definitely be borrowing them otherwise
So, they packed
a suitcase. Just one between them? And why the need to mention that? No-one carries spare pants and toiletries in their pocket?
Thank you for the backstory, I was dying to know.
Why Katie and Geoff always treat someone or get treated to? "We had a veggie tart" would suffice.
Is she saying they wouldn't have bonded otherwise?
Aff link for the dress coming soon.
Kathryn finding house inpo everywhere ✌
They surely have seen a Rolls Royce before?
clutching onto each other like there's no tomorrow so loved up
How many pictures of ONE CHICKEN SALAD does one need?
Either tell us or don't make a fuss, please and thank you.
I don't have it in me to comment on each single bit of food & place they went to.
They seem to have a lot of disposable income. A LOT.
They made it to the Roman baths. Phew! I was worried they forgot what Bath was famous for between all these plates of gorgeous food.
A little coffee
I feel relieved knowing Morris wasn't being neglected.
Oh, she spilled the beans.
OMG I have to add, I am LOL-ing at the £185 not being "exactly affordable". Well, you picked it Kath. Don't want to break it to you but this is how much NICE hotels cost. And I presume you stayed at G's friends for free? Can you imagine if she paid for 2 nights?