Oooh new thread, thanks Parry for doing the new thread thing,, it’s a Sunday morning so have time to write a recap, what
has she been up to lately then
Well quite an interesting week, madam is still relatively quiet but PD dropped a brill post about her finances, confirming what we believed to be the case about her dodgy ways, but with additional interesting info.
PD allege £150K is hidden offshore. Staged pap shots bring her massive amounts of coin, and as we expected all paid through others to avoid the 40% deductions. Public appearances all paid in cash. Deeds to her London flat signed over to another, we didn’t know about this one. Cars registered in others names. Rental paid up front for a year. Buys fake designer stuff but is also given legit items which are sold for coin. Hidden assets everywhere, all the Clan, Darth and Slymi involved. If true, then this is fraud and washing coin, someone on PD alleged she was being investigated. We wait now to see what happens next, forensics will find this, are we finally seeing the end of madam’s financial Teflon status
We can but dream…
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The f*ckers at C4 have confirmed the travesty that is her IVF journey is being broadcast. Disgusted about this, but I strongly believe it will blow-up badly for both C4 and Skank, what’s the f*cking point of it, was filmed 18 months ago, she has no eggs, a surrogate would have SS all over her due to safeguard concerns and we know no baby came from this nonsense. She also wasn’t adhering to the clean-living required for IVF (❄,
, vaping constantly, the list is endless) the programme will be one long lie. Pathetic, I hope C4 get destroyed for this bollox, in fact I’m convinced they will, about time her lies were exposed, SM people will have their say when this is broadcast, it ain’t gonna be complimentary
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She deffo has her licence back, got around the insurance by driving rentals, still it will be costing a fortune, again, all of this is on the trustees failure to curb her spending and the courts leniency with her, the bankruptcies should have been resolved ages ago, but they continue to pander to madam. Shameful, we wait to see if indeed her time is running out, I still have my doubts they’ll deal with her in any meaningful way. On the plus side she appears very miserable when driving and looks very sick now, the weight-loss is alarming and has aged her significantly, you really ain’t winning despite the leniency with which the law treats you Skank. She ain’t wiping the
with any younger models, she really looks terrible, aged and very sick, still vaping, doubt Skank even wipes her own
tit, expect Dim Lynne enjoys that task.
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She was on a couple of Pods, the podcasters had the usual BrainDead fans loving them, but there was a considerable amount of criticism thrown their way for platforming her. Increasingly the public show they have had enough, but still the media and podcasters lie and hide the truth about her from their readers and listeners. Wankers one and all, read the room you idiots, this is what any sane person knows about her now….
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Skank went to watch her little one play kicky-ball and he scored a
She is now finally a wag, a showmance wag of an amateur team few even know exists, and Stan stated he has only made 2 appearances as a substitute, so he’s not the best kicky-baller but it keeps him off the streets and mucking about causing mischief with his mates, bless. Not exactly the next David and Victoria Beckham is it….still not a relationship, not really a wag
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Finally a horror for you all this morning.
A trailer for a Skanky true-life horror documentary film, probably coming to a C4 screen in the New Year, features Kylie, who is all of us watching the horror unfold.
The evil Succubus lurks, then she comes for you.
Devours part of your soul, then leaves.
But she will return again for more.
The Kylie portraying the public, screaming and exhausted as Skank sucks out our souls with her constant wicked immoral sinful ways
At the end, she will accuse another for all her hideous crimes though.
Contains flashing imagery, so don’t watch if you are are disturbed by flashing Skanky imagery…shudder
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