A Recap,
well at least it stopped me going to the pub for lunch
So we finally had a negative story go viral on Miss Teflon Tits
The Red Tops all printed a story about her finding Tank her latest protection puppy a new home (a local electrician) as he was no longer cute. They then listed all of her reckless care with pets, it was grim reading for any animal lover. The story was met with universal condemnation, outrage and anger was sent her way, it was all over social media, deep venom was dished out to her, the disgust with her lack of care towards her pets was massive. Online comments in the print media, Twitter (ain’t ever calling it X) FB, IG, even Tacky Tack, attacked her dreadful abuse of her pets, anyone trying to excuse her behaviour was shutdown. The UK public do not tolerate abuse of animals, she is so hated by a majority of the UK now, and the reaction to this story showed it, this Skank is hated. The brain dead fans remain, obviously uncaring feckless twats just like the c*nt they adore, but they are few these days, even some of these fans turned on her over this. It really feels like the tide is turning on her, the pet story exposing who she really is, ticky tocky Skank, we are praying this is just the start of a big comeuppance for you
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Comments like these were everywhere…
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The Red Tops then started alluding to a Nu Egg on the scene, a lego-haired dude called JJ something, from the TV show Married At First Sight, a programme I’ve never seen but people who have, described him as just another fame hungry wannabe, very much another SadBoy, lacking in any personality, and living off parental money. Accordingly Skank has been bombarding this JJ with love texts (is she 14 years old
) but the general consensus was that it is all nonsense anyway, a non story. He was meant to be at the adult Panto on Sunday night, but no evidence of him being there was found. It was reported JJ confirmed the story in the press that he had met up with skank and they started texting, but Luke his mate said "I'd keep quiet about that mate"
We wait and see if this JJ is indeed a new thing in her life, but it does look like no Nu Egg has been found in this bloke and it’s just a publicity stunt.
MadCat thought he looks like Crighton from Red Dwarf….he does….so he is already Tattle named if he does become another in the long line of ‘The One(s)’
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Skank next boasted she was conducting a new Only Fans photoshoot, a lot of effort for the handful of viewers she has on that platform. A photo also appeared of her true unfiltered self at the same time, oh my, she now looks like the joker in Batman, it was quite shocking, her real face is in a terrible state. As the greatly missed Sean Lock once said “A challenging wank”….hot she is not
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Wednesday evening Skank decided to run a Live TT, hosting it from an upstairs room in the MM
At one point wearing a tiny top which made her look ridiculous, the TT fans lying to her that she looked gorgeous and constantly asking her where her performing seal Harvey was (they are so thick, they seem to still believe he lives with her, they are always asking this
The look for 2024 they say…
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Skank stated she is single, exhausted with relationships and has a big announcement about new music coming this summer, so is attempting to ruin summer for everyone this year. I have visions of her wearing a tiny bikini, blasting out another Kylie cover with her foghorn voice shattering windows by a swimming pool as she shuffles awkwardly on the spot (she calls this dancing) with very drunk chavvy people cheering her on. I may have to tell Mr SK we are leaving the country for a very long holiday this summer.
Skank then told B she was taking her to Thailand soon
Note reader, we are pretty sure she is prohibited from doing this, she even lies to her children
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Later she popped up with Chloe on TT, accordingly holidaying with her to Spain and Dubai this year. We kinda hope she does go to Dubai as there’s a high chance she’ll actually get banged up there as she can’t behave herself in public, they won’t excuse any nonsense from her, jail time for Skanky please
Skank triumphantly announced the release of her 2024 calendar.
Accordingly it doesn‘t matter that it’s nearly February, such an amazing businesswoman. Sadly you don’t get any nipples for your £100. You can get a cheaper version for £25, but the £100 package comes with a signed herpes ridden kissed photograph. I’ve ordered mine, phoooooooar, have you ?
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Skank couldn’t be bothered recording her podcast all week, blamed her broken Mac (been broken weeks, still not replaced by little Miss Professional
) on it’s non appearance Thursday morning, and it finally appeared Thursday evening. Let’s face it few probably cared, poor DC listened in again to the nonsense for us
These rambling devoid of any decent content podcasts are short in length these days, this one was just 27 mins.
Skank stated she got back from Newcastle on Tuesday after 11 hours in the car (Jess drove her home)but seemed to have made it to LAStudio to get her hair done. The Panto cast loved her
She was the complete opposite to what they expected, blah blah blah..worked hard, learned the script, she doesn’t know why people have that conception of her because it’s just not true. She couldn’t go out for drinks and that as she had to be professional
Edna talked about the catsuit, she was only out with CF an hour and a half as she was knackered, rehearsals were long. She liked having the apartment to herself, there were no kids, no dogs
Skank was farting, upset Amy and made her cry being as horrible to her. Says she thought she had court today seems sg swerved another court date
She’s not with anyone now, getting all these offers to go up to London, but she can’t be arsed, prefers her bed. Like comfort.
Boring, boring, boring lies,lies lies, the usual format of these dreadful podcasts.
Yeah we all feel like this hearing them Skank….
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Red Tops ran a story some of the cars have been taken by the bailiffs, we hope it’s true
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Meanwhile Willow has confirmed she hid stuff in advance
Though it shows the net tightens on her, methinks Miss Teflon Tits may lose that title soon
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It appears Skank is going to Neath at the end of the month. £5 a ticket, top of her game she is, the Pricey is back, though it wasn’t without criticism and they used a photo of someone else on the advert ….
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So on we go, she has plasterclasses with P this weekend, if P goes I reckon she’ll do no more….
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The juggernaut of
that is her life rolls onwards, though it’s deffo careering of the road and into a big ditch to be stuck there forever. Woo Hoo, we gotta LOVE IT
Court Dates for Skanky incoming
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