Mentioned I’m on hols, so not got time to write much, but have to say something after viewing those videos from the appalling SB
F*cking hell, how aggressive is he, said from the start, this man scares me, he’s a nasty piece of work, but oh my, I now think I’ve underestimated how evil this thing is ! That rant is vicious, I would also say he appears to be high-as-a-kite, the aggression is pouring from him, wow I’m actually shocked by his behaviour, what a vile individual he is. Something is very wrong, what has tipped him over like this, can’t be just the break-up story, it’s been out for few days now. Actually feel a bit unsettled viewing those videos, he is one scary individual. Wow he needs dealing with, she needs to get away from this thing, I no sympathy for Skank, but maybe he is controlling her, what is going on with her just wandering around while he rants, and OMG poor H is there witnessing it
What happens when the camera is off, he is not gonna calm down, he will still be ranting away, his nature is pure aggression. No wonder Edna banned him from the wedding, reckon they know how very bad he is and then some, nasty nasty nasty man. This is actually turning very dark, the SM silence until this, something is very very wrong here.