Where to even begin?
she’s a beggy slob. The end?
She fell out with the other begs (Ruth, sazzy, Michelle, gem, Claire, etc) last week, but since she’s now sold her house in Wales for 136k, they’ve all come back in FULL force, obviously.
She’s now staying in Nottingham in a hotel, she’s met up with a few of the begs this week, including Nathan and Josh a few times, she’s gifted Nath ((aka rice krispy balls) go find his twitter if you’re curious) 2 universes, a lion etc. she gifted EQ a uni too for some reason? She’s wasting all her money on all her tiktok ‘friends’ like it’s Monopoly money.
she has this odd new friendship with a guy who she refers to as ‘bro’ - this is not her real brother, just a taxi driver she met when she was with king Tom.. bro has been giving her lifts everywhere, picking nath up from 2 hours away, taking Karina 2.5 hours away and back today and for some reason going to Manchester with her tomorrow? He seems nice to be fair, but a very bizarre friendship, wonder how much she’s paying him
She’s going to see a house tomorrow, we think an auction house, like she would ever get off her arse to renovate it but you do you boo
Let me know what I’ve missed out, a lot has been going on atm