
Thats what I hate- they take advantage of sleep deprived parents. I started following her out of desperation but I saw the prices and researched it more and thought forget it. Personally I can’t cope with leaving my kid to cry and I glad I didn’t because she eventually slept through... at 17 months 😂. I also thing it is very poor to offer these free services to instagrammers who then promote her shite.
I get the guilt looking at her page because it is all messages from people saying how fantastic their kids slept after 2 days of the course!! Is that possible?!?!
I get the guilt looking at her page because it is all messages from people saying how fantastic their kids slept after 2 days of the course!! Is that possible?!?!

I know someone who did sleep training and raved saying their toddler slept the next day but then the toddler slowly went back to waking at 4:30am and she let slip that she would still get up in the night to lay her back down etc.... so her little one wasn’t actually sleeping through.
I get the guilt looking at her page because it is all messages from people saying how fantastic their kids slept after 2 days of the course!! Is that possible?!?!
Your kid will eventually get tired of crying themselves to sleep. I’ve got 2 friends who sleep trained and their kids slept so well... until about 15 months when they started waking up and couldn’t be comforted back to sleep cause it was alien to them
I bought her course out of desperation. Didn’t work. On the course it tells you when to feed, when to change nappy and when to put baby down for their naps. All the information on the course I already knew from all the free advice from her Instagram and other sleep consultant instagrams. I always get emails for 20% offers, recently Valentine’s Day offer.
On the course it says not to pick baby up, just to sush baby and pat. It’s just like the Ferber method of controlled crying. I don’t know how she gets all these people messaging her saying their baby is sleeping through after one night 🙄 says she doesn’t read dms but constantly screen shotting them
What I would love to know is all the influencers who used her... did it actually work 🤔
It probably ‘super works’ until they need another ad for something. Suddenly baby is up if they are selling teething things or just chill needs a new advert done. Babies are babies and make no sense, imagine charging someone £500 and giving them advice when it’s not their child and a kid you have never met. It literally boggles my mind, she doesn’t know this person or the child and is giving out information!
I don’t get how it can work when her method seems to be treating babies like robots. No 2 babies are the same - I have 3 children and they’ve all been very different. Surely she’s not going to have a high success rate despite all of the DM screenshots of people fawning over her?
I would rather just give my little one a cuddle knowing it will get her down. I read her advice and would try to do the whole put her down whilst awake blah blah but it was just stressing us both out. I just hate when people tell me to sleep train. Can I just complain that I am tired please 🤔🤦🏽‍♀️
I would rather just give my little one a cuddle knowing it will get her down. I read her advice and would try to do the whole put her down whilst awake blah blah but it was just stressing us both out. I just hate when people tell me to sleep train. Can I just complain that I am tired please 🤔🤦🏽‍♀️
Exactly. It goes against every mother’s instinct to want to comfort their baby to sleep. It’s wrong to suggest other wise in my opinion. Leaving them to cry is horrible and I don’t think it should be promoted. Why would you want to send them asleep when they are so distraught. If they want to be held hold them! It’s our job as mothers to look after them. Not shut the door on their crying faces 😔😔😔
Exactly. It goes against every mother’s instinct to want to comfort their baby to sleep. It’s wrong to suggest other wise in my opinion. Leaving them to cry is horrible and I don’t think it should be promoted. Why would you want to send them asleep when they are so distraught. If they want to be held hold them! It’s our job as mothers to look after them. Not shut the door on their crying faces 😔😔😔
I hate the whole ‘they aren’t upset crying, they are whinging and manipulating you to cuddle them’... they are babies, if someone feels wrong they cry. If they feel ok they don’t cry. They don’t manipulate you, plan things overnight. Whatever noise they are using to call a parent is cause they need a parent
Possibly. I’ve just skip past those stories. I couldn’t watch my baby cry let alone walk out the room. I know one of her q&a’s she said you can stay in the room and each night eventually get closer to the door but it didn’t sit well with us. She’s found a vulnerable market and cashed in on it. The course was only £49.99 which is a small dent for the sake of getting your baby to sleep but I was expecting more in the course tbh
No two babies are the same and all she says is be persistent.
My friends spent a couple of hundred for a sleep consultant because they were losing their minds and it still didn’t work. I just think some babies sleep well and others don’t 🤷🏽‍♀️ It just irritates me how I follow some influencers and then the just chill witch pops up and its all about sleep training being shoved down my throat.
I don’t get how it can work when her method seems to be treating babies like robots. No 2 babies are the same - I have 3 children and they’ve all been very different. Surely she’s not going to have a high success rate despite all of the DM screenshots of people fawning over her?
JustChillMama writes the DMs herself from fake accounts. The language is the same and you can hear her voice. Also things like repetitive use of the heart emoji x 3 (differing colours) gives her away.
She knows about this tattle thread. She wrote herself a message yesterday saying she is one of the most relatable influencers out there. Hahahahaha
She wrote herself a message yesterday saying she is one of the most relatable influencers out there. Hahahahaha

Ive been waiting for this thread for so so long!

I have so many issues with her:

Preying on vulnerable sleep deprived parents for extortionate fees for her method, which btw she has zero scientific backing for.

She aligns herself with registered medical practitioners to make herself seem credible, often comparing herself to a doctor which is so laughable because aside from a good helping of business acumen, she really is thick as tit.

All of the ‘evidence’ she cites is totally flawed and has zero scientific validity or applicability. There is a reason that sleep consultancy is not a proper registered health care profession like nursing, medicine, physio etc. Because it’s absolute bullshit. It might work for some babies, but I think that is purely down to luck and how much you wear down your babies stamina or your babies character.

I am obviously biased as a crunchy attachment parent who is totally led by my child. I cast no judgement on those who sleep train, because you know your baby best. I do however take issue with unqualified individuals making hugely problematic claims. She has a minimal qualifications (think a couple of day courses) and has paid for membership to some paediatric sleep groups which require zero evidence of qualifications. Again to seem credible, but has actually no basis for her claims of being an expert.

Also I remember a year or so ago a qualified lactation consultant called her out for making some video about sleep and autism when she is totally unqualified to do so. Just chill mama sent this qualified lactation a load of legal threats which was just quite hilarious. All she did was ask about her qualifications to advise on autism.

I am deeply saddened by her following in many ways, because this is all snake oil salesmanship dressed up as a wannabe health care professional.

I’ve watched her try to explain the science behind some of the tragic research she tries to cite to seem evidence based, and it is a car crash- she clearly has no comprehension of how to rank scientific evidence.

She is not at all relatable to me, just desperate to align herself with celebs and the medical professionals she wishes she was.
You’ve said it perfectly. Sleep train your child if you want. Cuddle your child forever if you want. But don’t be fooled by people trying to make money of you. I bet she has a list of pregnant z listers so she can offer them her help immediately. It’s like super nanny telling people that breastfeeding past 1 is disgusting and has to be stopped. Pointless and disgusting behaviour.
I do agree with some thing just chill witch says, it’s nice to see someone speak about the dangers out cot bumpers, when many ‘celebs’ go on about ‘these ones are breathable’. But she’s still greedy