I’ll have my coffee uplift and start putting together a recap
It seems trouble is coming in the juicy world, head honcho Simon and his side kick Tamila have mysteriously left, we’re all pretty sure it’s because sales have dropped. Simon apparently “retired” but then a week later was back! Being employed by highest earner plastic Jeff! Tell me you you got made redundant without telling me
Big H - still pretending she’s bounced back using photoshop her amazing shakes. We wish she would put the time and effort into parenting instead of leaving her daughter every chance she gets. We think trouble is ahead as she tried to launch a luncheon masterclass, It was set to sell out but mysteriously tickets disappeared before it had chance. She now is launching a membership website and for £35 a month you can be taught how to lie and use photoshop to make sales.
Kadie another one who we suspect is in trouble, also has a membership website. For 22.22 a month you can watch her working out, with her terrible form to boot. She’s now looking to start giving nutrition advice to pregnant women and teach fitness beginners how to exercise when she doesn’t have a clue on any of these things. She’s taken a big career opportunity and went back to America, you know the place which completely traumatised her. She’s keeping it top secret what this career is regarding.
Dani K goes into shops without looking how much things cost, yet comes out with items from the sale section. Ok. Still claiming shes mortgage free but can’t afford to repair some cometic damage on her “paid in full” teslaaaaa
Olievia continued to morn her late father, we were all genuinely sad for her. She was happy she had her juicy business because it meant instead of taking some actual bereavement leave she could hustle. She continues to morph into her boyfriends crush.
Not much has changed in the world of Sneddon, she’s still swimming in debt but claiming JP changed her life. She’s still pretending she’s a size 8 in leggings but ultimately, still the most boring of the huns.
It was rumoured in here that Lauren Roberts was in rehab, turns out it was a viscous rumour and showed how nasty these huns really are.
Natalie Young got married and snap chatted the whole event, classy.
Anyone else got anything to add?