Yeah I’ve been trying to find out what the deal was with her and same what happened? Anyone know?Met Sean “dick pump” in Magamuff, dated him, Sean got paranoid and wanted to know where she was one night and she sent him a pic at a dudes house with her “mates” and she accidentally included a fresh pool of cum all on the duvet.
said she was going to live in Dubai with her old mate Ruby but Everyone knows she was escorting out there and not working in a club like she reckons.
says she’s a student nurse but she set up an only fans account a couple of years ago with her Sean Pratt.
got done for drink driving a couple of years ago.
has so much cheap filler in her face and is always begging for a colab. Owt for free.
cheated on ex boyfriend Sam chanoler who outed her on Instagram
currently on “holiday”in DubaI
She's so tragic isn't she. The way she talks makes me cringe. She sounds thick as tit. When she met Katherine that time then did loads of posts talking about the situation I honestly thought she was slow.
I don't see the appeal in her as well. Down from her awful hair to the tacky clothes she wears
So shocking that shes training to be a nurse. She's honestly a disgrace.
Does anyone know why she fell out with that Ruby girl ?
This us SCANDALOUS!I just found these screenshots on my phone! Lol
Found the whole thing very entertaining!
Yeah and I’m pretty sure Marlie Lewis is in all those godawful Blanc Womenswear promo shots as well!It’s all very incestuous isn’t it. I’m sure that’s marlie Lewis in that pic as well who was also going out with sam