Quick update...
Amber found liable on all three counts - Johnny awarded $10m, plus $5m (
which was cut to $350k the max under Virginia law)
Johnny found liable on one count - Amber awarded $2m.
Amber did not prove defamation on the hoax claim.
The defamation was found in Adam Waldman's statement as to the specifics of the hoax.
Oh, and the court found no proof that Johnny was ever physically abusive to Amber.
But plenty of proof that Amber was physically abusive to Johnny.
Johnny has been touring the UK with Jeff Beck.
Amber hasn't been seen, or heard from, since leaving the court with her sister Whitney.
Amber's lawyer Elaine went on television to blame the jury (
without evidence), the judge (
for not allowing inadmissible evidence), to claim Amber won the UK trial (
she didn't, as she was a witness not a party) and that "it is tale of two two trials" and the best and worst of times "for all women."
Johnny's lawyers Ben Chew and Camille Vasquez went on television to thank the jury, say 'domestic violence has no gender', and deny the accusation of demonizing Amber.
Amber has announced her intention to appeal.
The judgement has to be filed by 24th June.
The appeal can be lodged after that date.
The appeal either does or does not require a bond to be lodged with the court - the bond being variously stated as anywhere between $500 and $10.35m.... though by some accounts the higher figure would be required to stay the imposition of interest on the liable debt while the case moves through the appeal process. The interest rate being 6%.
Neither judgement can be dissolved in a bankruptcy proceedings because they are the result of actual malice.
Camille has been made a partner at Brown Rudnick, And, to the dismay of shippers everywhere, has a boyfriend.
Johnny spent £50k on a curry in brum.... though apparently the figure was nearer £5k, and it was for the whole road crew on the tour.
Michele Daubner, a professor at Standford, has gone bonkers.... including allegedly sending messages to herself from her dead daughter.
Eve Barlow, legendary journalist and disruptor, continues her one woman fight against the world.
A rich Saudi offered to solve Amber's financial woes by marriage.
#judygate saw Judy Bellinger, extremely talented and professional court stenographer (
who provided real time updates of the sidebars, for the sidebars) was accused of going for 'dinner and drinks' with Johnny.
Mass MSM gaslighting is currently brewing into #deppgate.... a follow on from #gamergate and comicsgate.... no doubt fueled by Ben Shapiro, the alt-right and Putin.
Amber's juvenile arrest record was leaked to reveal that she was arrested for not wearing a seat belt - and there is something about the Dallas vehicle homicide unit being involved.... though it has all gone quiet on that front.
Elon Musk has been laying low, after being scolded by Eve Barlow for saying he hoped Amber and Johnny would move on with their lives.
The Amber fans have rather lost interest in their conspiracy theory of Adam Waldman and the Russian bot farms (
though it hasn't stopped Bouzy (the bette noir of ex-brothel keepers)and his dowsing rods from pushing the story).... The Amber fan have gone back to the Paul Bettany texts in which shockingly Johnny suggests the only way to test a demonic sucubus is a Peruvian blue parrot is to be once more tempted by the allure of her glamour.... and thus having established the witch, having been delightful company and pleasing on the eye, is dead: can be officially cleared of the charge of witchcraft: in the English manner. The Amber fans however refuse to understand the joke.... nor indeed sundry
schools of Islamic law....
As do various feminists, columnists and malcontents who see in it deep misogyny, and clear proof that Mr Depp and Mr Bettany did in fact conspire to drown, burn
(the presumably soggy body), before doing a Jimmy Saville.... rather than the accidentally released texts being an attempt to make light of a situation in which Mr Bettany's teenage son was humiliated by Ms Heard and brought to tears (
man up, boy!).
And beyond that....
There is general mirth and goodwill as the story unfolds....