The photos / poses that she continues to make, and which she thinks are sexeh, are most perplexing.
On the one hand, she has worked in the industry; she knows that what's on the surface is not necessarily is what's beneath, and the modelling work was more or less exploiting this, in order to earn a living. Fair enough, I suppose.
But she's 100% a victim of the same mentality. Whereas she should look at other people dicking around trying to look like they are living happy and fulfilling lives, and recognise that they are doing a version of jobs that she's done in the past ... instead she totally falls into the trap of thinking that that is what she needs to emulate, in order to ... fill the hole in her. The disconnect is shocking; I'm sure that she's written things along the lines of the glamour stuff is all about creating something that is fantastic, so why the duck does she fall for it when other people do it, time and time again? By which I mean, tasteless and unsuitable clothes, awful tattoos, circus makeup, and latching on to the safest, most unimaginative and predictable cultural icons - ie an imitator of a fat twit who died on the bog 45 years ago.
It ... just ... perplexes me that anyone can experience such a lack of self-awareness, although in the Trumpain age, perhaps I shouldn't be surprised. I suppose that fits in with her constant claims of things being the best evah!!11, because she simply doesn't know when she's happy or not.