Sum up:
Shamed blagger from dublin who has been previously rightly called out for consistently shady behaviour, has now legged it to live in west cork with her ‘boyfriend’ (of questionable orientation).
Cue constant dull ‘content’ of west cork vistas and pictures of her dog, and insistence that she is soooooooo happy to be living this life instead of her previous ‘busy’ life where she actually got invited to and included in society/blogger/agency events etc.
She pretends she is so busy with ‘content creation’ for brands etc and has very patchy paid partnerships with whoever she can get. Suspect constant begging on her part or basically her name is on lists for legacy reasons for any partnerships that she does s.
Most believe she is actually around a size 18/20 or bigger, but she photoshops herself constantly and often not very convincingly to a “curvy size 16”
She has not got a clue how to dress her real shape and advertises bin bag/ridiculous style clothes that most likely she orders online, tries on for a series of photos that she releases over the next month or so, then returns for full refund. Showcases ‘designer’ pieces that are suspected to be Ali express finest.
People may actually relate to and like her if it wasn’t for her denial of her reality of body shape / relationship & lifestyle status and the fact she comes across as a really smug
A very high % of her following are bought bots and she also consistently buys likes and comments.
Have I left anything out?