Jessica O'Mahony #3 Notions Moloney full of baloney💩

Has she no shame!? A free taxi! People getting cancer treatment and can’t get to it! Their such free loaders


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Free coffee machine this morning, free taxi off to drink bubbles with her friends, free designer clothes, free hair, free facials, free pilates, free, free, free, free........ How is she not mortified. Every day at this stage and she needs NONE of it. Who is being influenced by these frauds?! Are women that silly and gullible that they're 'influenced' by these gowls?
Anyone else feel it was wrong on the taxi ad, that she was allowed to show someone else's address ? She could of just went from to public locations such as a shop to the restaurant, or hide the address of pick up. Instead she used a random person's address. I would be worried about thieves targeting the house for money etc or even young lads going to the house messing outside trying to get a photo with Perrie etc.

I know her audience is probably mainly young females, but she can't be to certain on who's watching her insta either.

I am surprised free now approved that section of her ad too.
I hate that she wore the leggings without her crotch or bum covered, it’s just nasty. I get it’s a rugby game but like I’m sorry it’s still her husband’s work event - put on some pants.
I thought the exact same thing and she was the same last week … the Freddy type leggings yokes absolutely bet onto her. We get you’re skinny and teeny tiny but really too much on show if you get me 😜 The other wives and partners are all dressed appropriately in nice outfits for going to a match.
I came here with a screenshot of her story because I couldn’t believe what she just shared 😔
Imagine going into the bathroom and your little boy had thrown his underpants on the floor and the first thing you thought to do was take out your phone and take a photograph and post it to thousands of strangers…. Would she share her daughter’s dirty knickers for likes?! Nobody should shame their children in private let alone online…..
I came here with a screenshot of her story because I couldn’t believe what she just shared 😔
Imagine going into the bathroom and your little boy had thrown his underpants on the floor and the first thing you thought to do was take out your phone and take a photograph and post it to thousands of strangers…. Would she share her daughter’s dirty knickers for likes?! Nobody should shame their children in private let alone online…..

she is a disgrace. Id say the other WAGS can’t cope with her at all and avoid her