Janey Godley



VIP Member
I think this thread may be wanted by a few? At least a few Scottish people on here because she DOES OUR TITS RIGHT IN.

Usual story for me. Liked her, really liked her, started to see a lot of her “poor me” stories as probably straight up lies, she really overexposed herself talent wise during pandemic and also now she’s fucked up majorly resulting in some of the most cringe apologies I’ve ever seen.
I used to really like her. Those old tweets are horrible though. I know they were from around ten years ago, but even then she should have known better. They weren’t even funny in an “edgy” way or anything, just pure nastiness.

Look at what she said about Kelly Rowland 😬
In a series of tweets written while Rowland was judging the UK X Factor in 2011, Godley describes the singer as “the black horse from USA” and in another states “Kelly does speak like the stereotyped black Aunt Jemima who stands on a stool in the Tom & Jerry cartoons screaming ‘TOM TOM’.”

more here -

All I've got is that she gave me a long, hard stare as I walked past TJ Hughes in Trongate a few years ago. Very negative vibes. I was just minding my business - initially I wondered if there was someone else she was gawping at. Nope, me (I am very tall and distinctive-looking, I suppose!). Maybe mistaking me for someone else, but all I got was a prolonged dirty look.

She's (superficially) a friend of a friend, but I think it's more about gathering allies on social media and in RL circles who can bolster her ego (my friend is very well-known in Glasgow).

Good mates with Jerry Sadowitz, who is quite prickly IRL too (though you kinda expect that). Who says Glaswegians are welcoming, friendly people :p (I''m Glaswegian, btw). I know JS is quite problematic for people too, though he's more or less cancelled himself before anyone else does (eg, removing videos from Youtube and doing things solely on his own terms).

From what I remember (she's appeared on a few podcasts I listen to), her husband has Aspergers and other issues (I think), so you'd expect her to be more self-aware, thoughtful and compassionate. Maybe?

Boyf actually un-Followed her from Twitter yesterday, as she gives him the rage. Funnily enough. He's corrected me: he Muted her as someone re-Tweeted her and never Followed her in the first place o_O:LOL:
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I used to follow her as well but had to unfollow she is one of those annoying folk who have their opinion and if you don't agree with her she sets her wee lapdogs on you and puts up a big status about being bullied because she cannot comprehend that people have differing opinions and I started finding her page full of hate so unfollowed so all the grovelling apologies are pathetic and she doesn't mean it, these types of folk only ever feel remorseful when it hits them in the pockets
She’s just not that funny. And I’m not saying that because I’m a stuck up Aberdonian who thinks Glaswegians and SNP voters are “below stairs” (the vibe on Twitter if you’re anti-Godley and not from Glasgow) I’m saying it because it’s true.

Her “Frank Get The Door” stuff was amusing at a time when many were frightened and worried. But that absolutely can’t be used to justify her getting £12k for the worst advert of all time and NS needs to have her hide tanned for OKing that one.

She also strikes me as the type who’d want nothing to do with you unless she could benefit somehow. Couple that with the “proud working class woman” shtick of hers she’s totally inauthentic.
Janey also has her daughter tagging along on the comedy circuit, though all I've ever heard is an over-confident, sweary blowhard like her mother (trying to get the family in on the act, I suppose).

I hate the whole WoMeN aReN't FuNnY trope repeated all over the internet (usually by men) - that's not where I'm coming from, but personally I'm not amused by either of them. Comedy is subjective, anyway.

The whole Twitter pile-on because you're too arrogant to take (sometimes) constructive criticism (if that's what's happening, I don't Follow her) is something many comedians do, sadly (Noel Fielding famously went OTT a few years ago with his "Fly, my beauties" pish). But it doesn't reflect well on a person's character, ultimately - seeking out social media drama to puff up a wafer-thin ego.
I’ve always wondered. I’m a very sweary woman. Extremely so. Not shy of a bleep. Swear at home, in public, at work. My mum is the same. I don’t think either of us have ever been called out by a man for swearing?! Yet it happens to her like once a week? A few times yeah I’m not gonna question her lived experience. But that often? In Glasgow? Specifically with taxi drivers?!
I’ve always wondered. I’m a very sweary woman. Extremely so. Not shy of a bleep. Swear at home, in public, at work. My mum is the same. I don’t think either of us have ever been called out by a man for swearing?! Yet it happens to her like once a week? A few times yeah I’m not gonna question her lived experience. But that often? In Glasgow? Specifically with taxi drivers?!
Glaswegians always tell you what they think :LOL: I'm not very sweary (only in company of close friends, not even to my mum or the young uns in the family) but I'm sure most Glaswegian cabbies have heard and seen it all by now. Surely they'd want to jolly you along so they get a tip? Waters are muddied a bit in that many private hire cabs have some employees who barely speak English. Even so, I'm sure they'd be the same.

All assumption on my part but there's something disingenuous and not-very-nice about her. No warmth.
Big cry-bully on Twitter. Saw her standup once at the Fringe maybe 10-12 years ago, she was average. Told a very unconvincing story about overcharging Gordon Brown for beers in her pub, she seems like a massive bullshitter.

Tries to push her incredibly unfunny daughter's stuff.

Ego seems to be out of control following making a name for herself with the VoiceOver stuff during Covid, but she seems like a bit of a wank.
Big cry-bully on Twitter. Saw her standup once at the Fringe maybe 10-12 years ago, she was average. Told a very unconvincing story about overcharging Gordon Brown for beers in her pub, she seems like a massive bullshitter.
Tries to push her incredibly unfunny daughter's stuff.
Ego seems to be out of control following making a name for herself with the VoiceOver stuff during Covid, but she seems like a bit of a wank.
Surprised she hasn't tried playing the "oh, but I'm a character", card by now.
I'm stunned.
Not by the fact she's in the tit, she really is vile, but by the racism.
How the hell has she not been called out before now? It's not just the odd tweet. Entire podcasts with racial slurs. Her daughter telling her shut up and she still rambles on.
It was obviously deliberate, set out to shock. A 50something year old woman repeating the P word to describe Asian people. Pathetic.
I think she has or at least said the thought it was ok at the time because it was part of a comedy routine (I’m paraphrasing but that was the gist).
Even though I'm not keen on JG, and I would never condone racist slurs, it is possible some stuff has been taken out of context.

Maybe she was portraying a "bigoted person on the street", but either way, the world doesn't need to hear it. I'd move tables if I heard a racist or aggressive person next to me in a pub/restaurant - social media doesn't need these voices either.

Either that or she's trying to be a female Jerry Sadowitz, shocking people - he apparently got blackballed from TV. His act is a very hard sell in today's world - his stream of consciousness chatter would make a typical TV audience/TV executives very uncomfortable.
Does anyone know about the (alleged) inconsistencies in her backstory? The Wiki entry about her early life is pretty grim and I'd imagine the defensiveness/anger comes from trauma (I know, I'm wearing my amateur psychologist hat). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janey_Godley

With comedians, even if I can't abide them, I do veer on the side of, I don't agree with what you say, but I support your right to say it.

Not linked to any gangsters personally (mercifully) but I'd imagine you have to be pretty cagey about names, times and dates if there's dodgy tit all around you.
JG had some sort of issue with a lassie I followed on twitter. So there was a general discussion regarding her, if we thought she was funny etc. I posted that I thought her premise was good but she needed better punchlines - I think fair comment for a comedian. Anyway, I found myself blocked by the lovely Janey 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

I think Janey is suffering from that old Showbiz adage - be nice to people on the way up, cos you'll meet them on the way down!!! She sure had peed off loads of people who are quite happy about her demise.

But its amazing that all that stuff was public knowledge and the Scottish Government still picked her to do an advert!!! Suppose being pals with Nicola has its compensations!!!