VIP Member
Thank you to @CrazyBaldhead for the great thread title
previous thread:
Sophie’s thread
Off topic fakey thread
previous thread:
Jake Quickenden #44 Like a puppet on a string, Tattle can make him do anything!
I’ve blocked both of them, because I feel a rage starting every time they talk🤭 Boulder tits thread could see Fakeys mask slip and the T word might come out on his insta stories or better still we might get a post on “trolls” 👍 bring it on Baldy we’re going nowhere bro 😎 you’re “wife’s” thread...
Sophie’s thread
Sophie Church
Well, the time has come for Lady Flapsalot to have her own thread. The Hoover has tipped me over the edge! Mod edit, threads don't have a title if they only have one.
Off topic fakey thread
Fakeys Assemble
After a few recent posts on the QJQ threads, I thought it would be nice for us to have an off topic place for us to chat about life, share news, get support, etc etc! ❤️❤️❤️