Recap: far too much to go into but a basic summary since the last thread, he’s still a desperate attention seeking c**t. Still eye
bleeping the camera at every given opportunity. Still using his baby and stepson for content. Stills moans when he’s ‘working. Still buying followers but also doing giveaways to get to the elusive million. Still getting defensive when people call him out. Still dressing and acting like a 14 year old. Still tags every program, TV company, various people in the industry at every given opportunity. Still follows everyone he meets. Still thinks he’s famous. Still cries troll at every given opportunity. Still brings his dad and brother up when he can. Still goes on adult only trips whilst maintaining his dad of the year status. Basically where it comes to Jake Quickenden, he is just a desperate z lister who thinks he’s a top rated influencer/singer/actor/presenter where he’s just a has been who will appear on any reality TV show going because he’s so desperate to be on TV. I know I’ve only scratched the surface but it’s getting late so feel free if you want to add anything more