I don’t really get her. Her posting is a lot of something and nothing. What exactly is she doing to get her son back apart from dancing on TikTok?
walking about with love bites on her neck visiting her some supervised
there not love bites it’s where she’s self harmed previously on her neck….
There’s not a chance in hell she will get him back.
She’s been coming up on my fyp too.
Why has he been taken off her?
I agree about her eyes being vacant, must be her medication?
From what I know he wasn’t taken off her until he was a few weeks/months old at least so did something happen?
She apparently had a breakdown when he was a few weeks old
Being postpartum is hard, especially with the baby blues etc but it must have been pretty bad for him to be taken off her
She's been having fits which she says shes been told are stress/anxiety related.
She needs to step away from tik tok and just focus on real life, her health and her little family.
She looks totally worn down.
One would hope so. People have been commenting saying she shouldnt mention in her videos that shes struggling as SS will see it.Surely Ss watch these videos?