Congratulations to @SandyBallz for your very first thread title! A worthy winner with 53 reactions
Recap of thread #66
Well, where do we start?
Recap of thread #66
Well, where do we start?
- Her poverty book is due to be written so she needed to get off Twitter and focus.
- Surprise, surprise, she came back and she’s big bleeping mad.
- She is a ‘shy poet’.
- She has three, count them, three enormous lever arch files of ‘notes’ for the book, which seemingly will be based on newspaper clippings and not first-hand accounts and verified ethnographic case studies of her own. Rehashed beans are best served never.
- Her research makes her want to scream at the top of her lungs until she is sick. She is also burning from the inside out. <insert Jack-Jack from The Incredibles gif>
- Did you know that she invented the Healthy Start Voucher scheme that Marcus Rashford is campaigning for? Wow, someone should tell him.
- She raved about Richard Osman’s new book and one by little old her - both with undeclared affiliation links.
- Her Patreon tier prices have gone back up.
- She fell over her own size six feet and bruised her eye on the sink. Or a tap. Photos to prove such a thing happened were posted. She bruises like a Twilight vampire sitting in a literal sunbeam.
- Will she be able to deliver her speech at Total Housing 2020 virtual summit? All the doggos in the world don’t know how to answer this one.
- She’s giving it large with her opinions and tit and made another hard-hitting poll. This time about sandwiches. She despises a flappy sandwich and everyone stop talking about the deleted photo of her eye bruise. Small triangles, big triangles, small squares, rectangles. Not her bruise, la la la.
- What about your book, Jack? Write it, numbnuts. Chasing you away from Tattle as well.