Congratulations to @TriviaNewtonJohn on the thread title! You are a master with words. 55 reactions
Recap of thread #58
The next Orwell, a superhero, or just a child with a pocket full of stones [oyster shells]? Who ISMack Jon-Row Jack Monroe?
One thing for sure, even when having her 1,347th break from twitter due to the ‘chemical rollercoaster’, Instagram seems to be her safe place for publishing poems, providing updated details of her Patreon (swipe up!) and pictures of her childlike pockets.
She briefly came back to Twitter to ask for pics of ‘doggos’ and other animal breeds, seemingly forgetting how to do a google image search.
She’s been retweeting Nigella’s kind words about her ‘work of art’ Potatoes blog, and expressing her disappointment in finding out ‘who actually cares about [her] as a whole human being’. Perhaps Nigella is BUSY .
She cooked some calzone with a gal pal and SB in a gifted Ooni pizza oven. They looked edible.
She reposted the previously deleted poem that she wrote in a couple of minutes both yesterday morning and the day before, yet both qualifying as now.
Recap of thread #58
The next Orwell, a superhero, or just a child with a pocket full of stones [oyster shells]? Who IS
One thing for sure, even when having her 1,347th break from twitter due to the ‘chemical rollercoaster’, Instagram seems to be her safe place for publishing poems, providing updated details of her Patreon (swipe up!) and pictures of her childlike pockets.
She briefly came back to Twitter to ask for pics of ‘doggos’ and other animal breeds, seemingly forgetting how to do a google image search.
She’s been retweeting Nigella’s kind words about her ‘work of art’ Potatoes blog, and expressing her disappointment in finding out ‘who actually cares about [her] as a whole human being’. Perhaps Nigella is BUSY .
She cooked some calzone with a gal pal and SB in a gifted Ooni pizza oven. They looked edible.
She reposted the previously deleted poem that she wrote in a couple of minutes both yesterday morning and the day before, yet both qualifying as now.