VIP Member
Winning thread title by a squig, nominated by @Lucy Aeroplane. You each win a large box of Kleenex and a life coaching session cuz guest ain't gonna use them
Mod edit: as addressed on last thread, no thread titles using words from unhinged Twitter folk. Next highest thread title, courtesy of @CrackingOwlSanctuary
- Carp man's on the warpath
- Guest paid an exclusivity deposit, so while she wasn't obliged to complete the sale, it was certainly nasty and thoughtless behaviour to just "ghost" the sellers without a word
- Looks like a certain "Fake Arms" is not guest - although she's definitely used socks with variations of that name before
- She's still posting endless tit Facebook memes
- And we reminisced about the many times guest didn't understand what the "anonymous" part of Alcoholics Anonymous means
Mod edit: as addressed on last thread, no thread titles using words from unhinged Twitter folk. Next highest thread title, courtesy of @CrackingOwlSanctuary
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