Congratulations to @Brian Butterfield for the thread title! You win a guest appearance on Celebrity Pointless! (something Jack Morley is too shy and anxious to ever accept)
She proudly accepted the campaigner of the year award.
She almost gave away her handwritten Manuscript to a poor, unsuspecting member of the public. If only that person had known what a weapon of gastro destruction they had in their possession they would have launched it into the Thames and given themselves into the MI5. (However, it seems it was not the whole book, just a page. What’s this, an embellishment by Jack? Never!)
Apparently she received ‘predictably mean comments’ about her face. Her jawline is lumpy cos of her tedious infected lymph nodes, ok?
As for those people telling her she’s looking chubby, it’s better than being LITERALLY STARVING, so stay PRESSED, fools!
She had a conversation with Tortoise. Lots of big laffs were had.
She was salty about That Man’s press coverage for his campaigning, seeing as Eton mess puns were all HER idea. She’s the winner tho, as she’s in the spicy industry WhatsApp group and he’s not! Hahaha. Stay pressed, Jack! She continued to like petty tweets that were negative about him and favourable about her.
She’s engaged in a Twitter argument with a squig who is daring to query her self ID of ‘literally starving’. Predictably, her coterie of knuckle-dragging flying monkeys are doxxing people audacious enough to agree, even assimilating Jack’s importance to HIV.
Please use the words ‘thread title’ when nominating and no bad words. Check the wiki if you’re new!
She proudly accepted the campaigner of the year award.
She almost gave away her handwritten Manuscript to a poor, unsuspecting member of the public. If only that person had known what a weapon of gastro destruction they had in their possession they would have launched it into the Thames and given themselves into the MI5. (However, it seems it was not the whole book, just a page. What’s this, an embellishment by Jack? Never!)
Apparently she received ‘predictably mean comments’ about her face. Her jawline is lumpy cos of her tedious infected lymph nodes, ok?
As for those people telling her she’s looking chubby, it’s better than being LITERALLY STARVING, so stay PRESSED, fools!
She had a conversation with Tortoise. Lots of big laffs were had.
She was salty about That Man’s press coverage for his campaigning, seeing as Eton mess puns were all HER idea. She’s the winner tho, as she’s in the spicy industry WhatsApp group and he’s not! Hahaha. Stay pressed, Jack! She continued to like petty tweets that were negative about him and favourable about her.
She’s engaged in a Twitter argument with a squig who is daring to query her self ID of ‘literally starving’. Predictably, her coterie of knuckle-dragging flying monkeys are doxxing people audacious enough to agree, even assimilating Jack’s importance to HIV.
Please use the words ‘thread title’ when nominating and no bad words. Check the wiki if you’re new!