FML you want me to recap the terriblest thread ever? TW for depressing
tit coming right up.
1. Jack continues to take her “insufferable” pills and may even be mainlining some kind of “fuckwit” serum.
2. Asda want a meeting with her, hopefully it ends in them giving her a “cease and desist” but don’t be surprised if you see her doing the pocket tap on her Mediterranean Arse sometime soon.
3. Mom!! What you doing!? Nigella only went and tweeted about Jack’s Patreon. On a Saturday. Which Jack retweeted (darling, bit gauche) on a Sunday. The figures went crazy! Doubling and sadly as we write, near treble the number of patreons going from 250ish to 700ish.
4. A few brave squigs tried to have a go at Mom and she was mean back. For shame, Nige, for shame. And I really liked your squash and sweet potato curry, y’know?
TD continues to be one of the few not infected and is out there with GoHenrySquig and one or two brave survivors going “wtf does Jack do, though?l
6. Squigs are suggesting they don’t want any rewards, they’re happy to just give the cash to Jack Monroe, Director of On a Bootstrap Ltd just for existing. Which is lucky, because there’s precisely no chance of them getting any rewards! she hasn’t sent any since Nov 2020, no matter how much is paid to her.
7. You will never guess what, LJC used to have an “on air” light in the loo for like a joke, so Jack comes home today and there’s a parcel and now she’s also go one!
8. Asda’s put the 45p rice (which was available in store) on the website.jack is claiming victory for this and where any squigs see the smart price rice in the wild this is further proof of Jackvine intervention, praise beans! Although it was already there last week though.
9. Jack had that ragtag team of ppl doing the Victoria Beckham Index but now it’s just her, she’s just a woman with a biro or a child with a pocketful of stones or summat. Defo a smol child who needs babying by everyone. Just chuck her some pocket money for doing tweets, why dontcha?
10. The Vimes Boots wording was lifted from seminal social history text “The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists” by Robert Tressell. Surely Jack knows this, how could she not
11. Sainsbury’s also want to meet her. Ffs. I’m off for an afternoon bath, send smart price-o’s.
12. Ther are more Lidl’s or Aldi’s than there are Asda food shops in the UK! Hooray! Still not going in Jack’s Index though. Does Jack’s nemesis work on the till of Shoeburyness Lidl?
13. She mentioned her cat (singular) no news of Mini or Dash.