I wish they would chill on the promo. Like do they ALWAYS need to give a 10 min speech about how great xgalz is (which it isn't, not anymore at least). I listen to a lot of different podcats/watch a lot of youtubers who have patreon and they'll promote it, just not every single time, and they get just as many if not more subscribers. Xgalz is not worth the money.
I kind of wish they had done some kind of research on talking about eating disorders before doing this ep. There are just little things (that can be big for some people) like not mentioning weight (they discussed Nikkie's weight at one point) which is just not something you should do. Unfortunately people with eating disorders can have this irrational belief that they aren't sick enough and hearing how little someone else weighs can kind of trigger them to want to lose more weight (I am talking from personal experience and my experience of other people with eating disorders). I found Jenny laughing to be typical of her but I guess it can be hard to know how to approach such a serious topic.
Was anyone else taken off guard when Lindsay said '******'? From what I've seen online, that word is considered a slur reserved for trans people. I don't know if that's just people being overly politically correct but yeah I guess I was a bit surprised when she said it. Just wondering if anyone else picked up on that but I don't know much about the use of the word so I don't wanna be too nit-picky!
I mean Lindsay has made jokes about bulimia before so this doesn't surprise me