VIP Member
Many thanks and congratulations to @sevenyearbiatch for new thread title
"Her tears aren’t blue, they’re dry & bitter
Her jeers aren’t true, they’re lies on Twitter"
Please pop any sensitive or off-topic stuff behind a spoiler.
Newbies, please read up on the wiki by clicking the pink button up top.
Suggest in bold any new thread title suggestions when we reach 900 posts & vote so they're easy to find.
Please stick to the main players and what they do or say. Keep it on Tattle.
(Link to terms and rules at bottom of each page)
Link to the last thread:
Domestic Abuse is real - help is available.
Domestic Violence / Domestic Abuse (DV/DA) includes mental, emotional, and psychological abuse and may include physical, sexual, and financial abuse.
Unlike physical abuse, narcissistic abuse and parental alienation leave no physical marks. A form of psychological and emotional abuse, they are invisible and difficult to prove. Yet, their effects are lasting and harmful.
For anyone (male or female) who would like to reach out for support, some links are posted in the wiki and also behind the spoiler
Schedule of Upcoming Court Hearings & GoFundMe link are behind spoiler
Words from @Mad Betty:
When you've had "too much of Alice",
please remember these wonderful words of @ReturningthePearls :
"Her tears aren’t blue, they’re dry & bitter
Her jeers aren’t true, they’re lies on Twitter"
Please pop any sensitive or off-topic stuff behind a spoiler.
Newbies, please read up on the wiki by clicking the pink button up top.
Suggest in bold any new thread title suggestions when we reach 900 posts & vote so they're easy to find.
Please stick to the main players and what they do or say. Keep it on Tattle.
(Link to terms and rules at bottom of each page)
Link to the last thread:
Domestic Abuse is real - help is available.
Domestic Violence / Domestic Abuse (DV/DA) includes mental, emotional, and psychological abuse and may include physical, sexual, and financial abuse.
Unlike physical abuse, narcissistic abuse and parental alienation leave no physical marks. A form of psychological and emotional abuse, they are invisible and difficult to prove. Yet, their effects are lasting and harmful.
For anyone (male or female) who would like to reach out for support, some links are posted in the wiki and also behind the spoiler
ManKind Initiative
Charity supporting male victims of domestic abuse through a helpline, directory of local services and general information on the website.
Home - Women's Aid
Women's Aid is a grassroots federation working together to provide life-saving services and build a future where domestic violence is not tolerated.
The Children's Society | UK children's charity
We fight for the hope and happiness of young people when it's threatened by abuse, exploitation and neglect.
Narcissistic Abuse: What It Looks like and What to Do - MedCircle Mental Health Community
Narcissistic abuse refers to the emotional, physical, sexual, or financial forms of abuse that a narcissist inflicts on others. This abuse can range from mild putdowns to severe, life-threatening violence. If you’re in a relationship with a narcissist, you may frequently feel angry, confused, or...
Why Parental Alienation Is a Form of Domestic Abuse
Parental alienation is a manufactured manipulation that impacts everyone, from the nuclear to the extended family.
Negging: 35 Examples, Patterns to Watch For, and What to Do
Emotional manipulation, or “negging,” can be so subtle at first that you don’t see it for what it is. After all, everyone says something they wish they hadn’t on occasion. But negging isn’t a mistake or a slip of the tongue. And slow escalation can desensitize you to its effects. Here's what to...
Schedule of Upcoming Court Hearings & GoFundMe link are behind spoiler
Court docs are in the wiki (see pink wiki button)
(11 October 2022) Cuntdown to Custody Hearing <Ref: post #93, thread #117>:
NOTE: THIS DATE MAY CHANGE OR HAS BEEN CHANGED as IG & AE have asked for this custody date to be pushed to January, 2023, or after. <Ref: posts #972 & #999, thread #138>
(25 November 2022) approximate date for a hearing (45 days after the initial custody hearing) to determine the exact timeshare of their parenting time, that's what Ioan requested <Ref: post #286, thread #120> SEE NOTE UNDER THE 11 OCTOBER HEARING.
(19 January 2023) Cuntdown to Status and Trial Setting Conference <Ref: posts #717, #729, & #761, thread #125>:
Note: This 19 January 2023 date is the conference date for the 20 July 2022 "Request for Trial Setting" to the Court to settle Dissolution of the marriage, Child Custody, Child Visitation, Child Support, Division of Property, Attorney Fees and Costs, Validity of the Premarital Agreement. It also listed an Injunctive Order (possibly for non-disparagement of the ex-spouse to the children or in public). Expect up to 3 days for this. <Ref: post #36, thread #123>
This conference for the Status and Trial Setting is where the parties can either inform the judge that an agreement has been reached or generally the status of it, or determine a date for the trial, if all things are ready for it, or make other orders (can end up in a back and forth). <Ref: post #761, thread #125>
Link to Alice's GoFundMe:
(11 October 2022) Cuntdown to Custody Hearing <Ref: post #93, thread #117>:
NOTE: THIS DATE MAY CHANGE OR HAS BEEN CHANGED as IG & AE have asked for this custody date to be pushed to January, 2023, or after. <Ref: posts #972 & #999, thread #138>
Custody Hearing
Countdown to 11 Oct 2022 08:30. Showing days, hours, minutes and seconds ticking down to 0
(25 November 2022) approximate date for a hearing (45 days after the initial custody hearing) to determine the exact timeshare of their parenting time, that's what Ioan requested <Ref: post #286, thread #120> SEE NOTE UNDER THE 11 OCTOBER HEARING.
(19 January 2023) Cuntdown to Status and Trial Setting Conference <Ref: posts #717, #729, & #761, thread #125>:
Status and Trial Setting Conference
Countdown to 19 Jan 2023 08:30. Showing days, hours, minutes and seconds ticking down to 0
This conference for the Status and Trial Setting is where the parties can either inform the judge that an agreement has been reached or generally the status of it, or determine a date for the trial, if all things are ready for it, or make other orders (can end up in a back and forth). <Ref: post #761, thread #125>
Link to Alice's GoFundMe:
Divorce, organized by Alice Evans
Hi there. I never in a million years thought I would be doing this. Until recently everything appeared t… Alice Evans needs your support for Divorce
Words from @Mad Betty:
When you've had "too much of Alice",
please remember these wonderful words of @ReturningthePearls :
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