Recap of previous thread:
Hello hunnies
I don’t know how you find this thread, but definitely stick around. We are the most grateful, blessed and loving family on tattle.
- Imo is pregnant.
- Spenny did a bike ride
to raise money for Diabetes UK. Imo drove beside him
for encouragement/because she missed him.
- Imo took a photo positioned between a pink and blue hut. Is it a boy or is it a girl.
The photo looks similar to one that Zoe Sugg posted - only difference is that Imo of course is holding her
bloat bump.
- She’s still writing essays on her instastories about everything and everyone.
- Jack the coffee machine man earned his place on the tattle wiki reaction video.
- In her FIRST TRIMESTER Q&A video:
1. Spenny told us what first trimester means - the first 12 weeks of a pregnancy.
3. Imo says she looked bigger when she was 7 weeks pregnant than she does now because of her bloating.
Her farts smelt like egg.
5. The time she went to 3 different Sainsburys (which was then edited/deleted from the vlog because she received a lot of comments calling her out) for a particular snack was ACTUALLY because of pregnancy cravings.
It was 3 different Sainsburys on DIFFERENT days.
6. On TTC journey - they weren’t planning but were planning, they came off contraception and were going to wait until they fell pregnant. Lots of weird crying from Imo
they’re not going to give times. They’re so grateful.
7. Baby has done wonders for her life threatening stomach condition.
8. During first trimester, Imo was a calm and zen hun bun.
9. Spenny still rubs creams and oils on her and bump.
- On instastories Imo writes an essay about her parents...she says “nobody loves their dad as much as I love you” (
duck off) and her mum fell on the tube
so she fell with her because if she’s embarassed, Imo will be embarrassed with her.
- Imo has been on the look out for ‘mumsy’ trainers.
- She has pregnant candles.
- Possible names for baby - Peter Robin Horton or Petra Robina Horton.
- Imo uploaded photos on her insta wearing just underwear and claims she needs better undies. Pointless post as usual.
- Public Figure Spenny dressed up as a pilot
for a NOWtv ad on instagram. The outfit is far too big for him.
Imo wants to get all aboard the Horton Airways. ✈
- Imo and Spenny did a video titled ‘Baby Names We Love But Won’t Be Using’. She likes rare/Disney/Greek names, he likes more traditional names.
- Imo was asking for advice for her nose and throat
and put in her usual disclaimer of
- Their ‘Gender Reveal’ was based on an Easter egg hunt
Only Bensalad, Dirty Dee, Hugobee and Freya were there. Imo cried a river
They’re having a girl.
- Imo has a new PO Box for her brand @thehunnystore if the huns want to send letters and things.
She’s not complaining, just explaining she has one.
- She’s still writing essays on her instastories about the Gender Reveal
and asks the huns what videos they’d like to see.
Pointless when all she does is upload about her pregnancy.
- They shared the ACTUAL RAW LIVE FOOTAGE from the gender reveal/baby scan. Imo Kim K cried
at the gender reveal. Spenny had a gut feeling it was girl, Imo was convinced it was a boy. She would wake up during the night craving blue drinks.
There hasn’t been a girl in Spenny’s family for over 120 years, they broke the mould.
- Imo has received a lot of msgs from huns telling her they don’t like her pregnancy/baby content. She says her life has changed and this is the journey her life is on.
Meaning get over it and she will carry on posting pregnancy/baby related content.
- She wants people to “spread love as thick as you would nutella”.
- Still waiting for Jack the coffee machine man’s reaction video.