I’m still waiting for Jack Monroe to turn up on my doorstep. She can you knowGot James Bond on his way round to chat about me reading her tweets. If I go quiet, send donations to Belmarsh.
I’m still waiting for Jack Monroe to turn up on my doorstep. She can you know
We’re all waiting dearheart.I’m still waiting for Jack Monroe to turn up on my doorstep. She can you know
I’m still waiting for Jack Monroe to turn up on my doorstep. She can you know
The Roma neighbour (they all like fighting according to her ) was about her garden fence which blew down. Nobody is sure of the relevance of the nationality of the neighbour but she seemed to think it important.Okay just grunked like Usain Bolt on speed.
One question
Wtf was the Romany bare knuckled neighbour thing about?
I am starting to think she was a previous tattler who took notes on the Monroe thread. So many parallels and similarities of how to cook up sympathy using labels.
The Roma neighbour (they all like fighting according to her ) was about her garden fence which blew down. Nobody is sure of the relevance of the nationality of the neighbour but she seemed to think it important.
Did we ever find out if the twins went on the school trip to the Tower of London? I love the way she reckons places being allocated on a first come first served basis is discriminatory against poor people. They have to allocate them by some method and can't wait endlessly for people who may or may not sign up.
Omg why was she telling the school the importance of the trip? They organised it. I think they might know.I think she's claimed that they did get places in the trip? I particularly enjoyed how she posted the letter she sent the school and made a big deal about not having named the school, but did publish the names of a teacher and both of the boys. Also that the letter wasn't much better grammatically than her tweets, but had at least been ran through a spell checker. Unfortunately that left this clanger: "Learning about Rebellion is relates (sic) directly to critical thinking, don't you agree?"