Looking at what survey to get done. The house isn’t old (14years) and hasn’t had any additional building work. But we did notice by the back door there was a bit of damp and when looking outside the brick is discoloured where the damp is. That’s the only bit of damp we noticed in the house and we are guessing it’s possibly from the door being left open and rain coming in. So I’m wondering should I get a level 3 or 2 survey done?
From what I’ve read level 2 should be enough? But is it better just to get level 3 just incase. Just looking for some advice please
I’ve booked to view a reeaaaally nice flat this weekend, problem is it’s at the top end of my budget and I’m sure it will be a popular one because it is so good Just need to cross my fingers that:
1. it’s as nice IRL as in pics
2. my old flat sells in the next few weeks like the estate agent tells me
3. the sellers will take a lower offer because I’m chain free
So in Scotland the seller arranges a home report when selling which is basically the same as the English surveys and includes the valuation for mortgages purposes - usually it’s available to be downloaded online which is really handy. Anyway, interestingly, I found a flat round the corner with the exact same layout, in similar condition, perhaps not as good a view, advertised for sale in March 2021 with a home report value of £20k more than this one!!
Please correct me if i am missing something but you can't be chain free? You are hoping your old flat sells in the next few weeks, now i assume this will form a large (or all) part of your deposit.... That isn't chain free.
Well that’s what I thought too - even though I will have the funds ready and waiting by the time I buy a new place I am still waiting for the old one to sell.. But the two estate agents I’ve spoken to have themselves said no chain when I explained the situation
Assuming you are selling your flat and moving in with parents/friends/family before you complete on the new place? If so, that will count as chain free... but it would be risky as i'd expect the sale of the flat to be much further along that any prospective purchase.
Yep so I put flat in England on market in June, received an offer after a week(!) from a first time buyer with his mortgage agreed in principle. Have already moved to Scotland for new job and living with family in the meantime. Last update I had from England estate agent was that completion is expected end of September, obviously there is a risk of it being pushed back but everything seems to be done, it’s just a case of waiting for searches I think ☺
Apart from anything I just want it to be sold so I don’t need to think about it anymore!
Another one of those “I bought a house all by myself” stories that we are supposed to be impressed by. Except she didn’t do it all by herself did she? She lived at home rent free, saved her maintenance loan, which she is lucky enough to be able to do in the first place, and broke her back working 30 hours a week on top of being a uni student. Ridiculous.
Why does the attitude of these people suck so much. Other uni students apparently “can’t be bothered” to find student discount codes according to her. Or maybe, and here’s an idea, they are just unaware that they exist? You are not better than your peers because you bought a house as a uni student. In fact lots of people would think it’s a silly thing to do.
It’s a good job I did and then I got a further damp survey. They reported that they think there’s a massive concealed leak under the floor and that the floor will need digging up for it to be fixed. Said it’s quite common in new builds.Ngl if it’s a new build I’d get the better survey.
It’s a good job I did and then I got a further damp survey. They reported that they think there’s a massive concealed leak under the floor and that the floor will need digging up for it to be fixed. Said it’s quite common in new builds.
He said to only go ahead if the current owners get their insurance to fix it all and get it signed off so we will see what happensOh wow! Yep when we had our bathroom done the bloke had to run off one day because another customer had fallen through her ceiling !!!!!! Because the original plumbers never fitted the shower properly so water was constantly leaking under the tray & had rotted the floor away. It was a 2 year old property!