• Moved in a boyfriend full time because she couldn’t be alone during lockdown and he had a “bad situation” at home - they had only been dating for less than 2 months at the time
• Bought boyfriend a very expensive, brand new tv for the bedroom for him to play Call of Duty all day
• Revealed that she has to sometimes sleep in the spare room while boyfriend gets her bedroom
• Held an illegal at home festival with her friends in the midst of the covid pandemic. Her friends and her posted drunken IG posts showing them breaking social distancing. Helen lied in her Download video stating that there were only a “few” people there, but in actuality - from her and her friends IG posts - they showed a lot more people. Tattle also had a neighbour confirm that there were 5 cars parked outside her house. Helen also lied and said she “forgot” to film the gathering, despite Grace mention that she was there filming specifically for Helen event video.
• Still lies about being a size 14. She even posted a body positivity photo on IG of how she’s gained so much weight during lockdown, got a lot of praise for being raw and honest, but then she continues to post size 14 look book videos. (She’s been a “size 14” since 2016)
• Her dog still shits on the floor
• Bought a mask because it “looked cool” then said to her viewers that she doesn’t know how or when to wear it. Never actually wore it on the multiple shopping trips or close social gatherings after buying it and when asked about it from viewers she said “YoU dOn’T hAvE tO wEaR tHeM eVeRyWhErE”
• In the midst of a pandemic she went on shopping trips and kept picking her nose and touching every item, without intention of buying them. When people called her out she said “i HaNd SaNiTiSe MuLtIpLe TiMeS” as if that gave her a free pass to keep doing it
• Constantly picks her nose and when commented on by viewers being put off by the sheer amount of times she edited in her nose picking, she stated it’s her “favourite hobby” (shown in weekly vlog #21)
• She stated in her “Q&A” video that she doesn’t wash her hands after she’s been to the toilet
• Drinks so much all day, most days, that it has noticeably affected her speech and movement in her videos - when commented on by her viewers as to why she looks and sounds so out of it, she replied “HaVe YoU eVeR bEeN tIrEd?”
• Used lockdown as an excuse not to film any proper content - she’s incapable of filming simple videos such as her look book without Grace.
• Used BLM as an excuse not to film any content, instead she was “educating” herself. Had a rant about “cancel culture” (re: Jenna Marbles past racist videos) and said people should “get over it, live in the now” and her boyfriend (who has never heard of Jenna) said that people who were upset over the videos were “just haters” - completely disregarding BLM and proving their white privilege
• Posted a moral rant about cultural appropriation yet forgets that she owns a Buddha head vase in her living room and also forgets that she had previously filmed herself throwing a Mexican party with her mates, where they all dressed up in sombreros and fake moustaches, all very stereotypical and racist. (Once tattle pointed that out, she then dug out the sombrero from her attic and wore it in her vlog)
• Tried to become a sexpert on IG live but instead just crudely over shared the gory details about her sex life (and revealed that she is hard work in bed) Someone asked her advice on “How to feel confident when you’ve gained weight during lockdown” Helen answered “buy something new”
• Ranted about people selfishly demanding hairdressers do their hair while people are dying every day, then shortly after she dyes her niece’s hair and gives her other niece a makeover (putting on false lashes for her) at her house with no social distancing and lots of physical contact
• Says she shopped less and become much less materialistic during lockdown but spent an absolute fortune on: a £100 bin, a soda stream, a new TV, an ASOS haul, a new gazebo, a dressing room makeover, a whole new garden makeover, a whole new garage makeover, a whole new kitchen storage makeover (and more!)
• Bought a RAB down feather jacket for hiking, she said that she wasn’t happy with herself for getting it as it gives her the heebie jeebies but just had to get it anyway because “it is what it is” and she’d much rather pay for a brand name and be uncomfortable rather than buying from a more ethical cruelty free brand
• Has to wear a full face of caked up make up on every hike
• Clings herself onto her ex’s walking group and uses hiking as an excuse to drink more
• Tried to call out “Karens” but hilariously called them “Sharons” - called her medicine box the “hydracondra box” instead of hypochondriac - tried to “hexercise” demons in her house