Health anxiety #4

I don’t know if this is the right kind of thing to post here but I’m worrying about something and it’s kind of health. Well, medical anyway.

Basically I might need surgery. Not life and death, it’s foot surgery, but still.
I say ‘might’ because I have been referred by my gp to a foot surgeon which doesn’t fill me with confidence. I really thought he’d send me for physio or to someone who makes big orthopaedic clown shoes or something.
Anyway, the thought of surgery terrifies me. I’ve never had it before and the idea of general anaesthetic and things going wrong.

I find myself thinking/worrying about it more and more and because of backlog, my first appointment isn’t until April so it’s like is this all I’m going to think/worry about until then? And what if he takes one look at me and says I don’t need surgery? I mean, I’d be relieved but would still feel ridiculous waiting all this time.

Sorry I know it’s a bit rambly. I know I should just try to put it out of my mind and wait but I just can’t stop worrying.
My middle toes on my left foot feel like they have string or something wrapped around them and I keep getting pins and needles. I’ve Googled it and it’s suggesting peripheral neuropathy which can be caused by cancer or tumors. Great 😩
I had the exact same symptoms as you’ve described here and it turns out it was vitamin B12 deficiency - I was prescribed a short course of high dosage tablets to get my levels back up and now just take a daily supplement and the symptoms have greatly improved. Definitely worth checking if it’s that :)
I had the exact same symptoms as you’ve described here and it turns out it was vitamin B12 deficiency - I was prescribed a short course of high dosage tablets to get my levels back up and now just take a daily supplement and the symptoms have greatly improved. Definitely worth checking if it’s that :)
That makes so much sense because I’ve always thought I have a B12 deficiency! Thank you ☺️
recently I’ve been feeling a small raised bump on my labia, like the size of a grain of sand, and I’ve looked at it with flash and it looks like a milia or fordyce spot and I can’t squeeze it, my mind is wandering 😫 anyone else had something like this come up? It’s round and yellow but tiny, but I can feel it like a grain of sand when I run my finger over it.
I ate a much bigger/unhealthier breakfast than normal this morning, then just had a rocky road cake for lunch when I don’t normally eat a lot of sugar, let alone have cake for lunch, and now my head feels really swimmy 😫 could it be related or am I having a stroke or something?
I ate a much bigger/unhealthier breakfast than normal this morning, then just had a rocky road cake for lunch when I don’t normally eat a lot of sugar, let alone have cake for lunch, and now my head feels really swimmy 😫 could it be related or am I having a stroke or something?
I get like this. Sometimes if I have sugar overload I almost feel... Out of body.. like I literally have to drink a load of water and lay down until I feel myself again. Drink lots of water and breathe!
every month when I’m waiting for my period it reminds me I am not over my trauma from my early 20s of bad relationships and intense pregnancy fear 🙃
I had a lump under my arm .. it's not in my armpit but on the outside when I lift my arm. I also had two small spots there that came up just above it. It came up really red and angry and sore. I think it's from friction due to tight shirts. It never came to a head but I used a warm compress and it's basically gone now. I can still feel a bit of it and it's still a little sore. Thing is it looks kind of bruised now. Like it's left a bit of a purple mark. So strange I wonder if anyone has had anything similar?.
I had a lump under my arm .. it's not in my armpit but on the outside when I lift my arm. I also had two small spots there that came up just above it. It came up really red and angry and sore. I think it's from friction due to tight shirts. It never came to a head but I used a warm compress and it's basically gone now. I can still feel a bit of it and it's still a little sore. Thing is it looks kind of bruised now. Like it's left a bit of a purple mark. So strange I wonder if anyone has had anything similar?.
Maybe an insect bite?
Getting really strong nausea every day and it’s really making me scared that there is something really wrong with me. My health anxiety is so bad these last few months, I must have had thousands of different symptoms and convinced myself I’ve got all sort of different ailments. With how poorly I feel I must be really ill. I keep trying to rationalise and tell myself it’s just anxiety but I’m spiralling because of how poorly I feel.

I’ve been getting really weird nerve type headaches for 3 years, sometimes don’t get them for months at a time but then suddenly I will get them everyday.

Tbh I’m really tired and drained, life is so effing miserable thinking I’m poorly. Sorry just needed to get it off my chest as I have no one to really talk to in real life.
Getting really strong nausea every day and it’s really making me scared that there is something really wrong with me. My health anxiety is so bad these last few months, I must have had thousands of different symptoms and convinced myself I’ve got all sort of different ailments. With how poorly I feel I must be really ill. I keep trying to rationalise and tell myself it’s just anxiety but I’m spiralling because of how poorly I feel.

I had this years ago and ended up being put on anti-nausea tablets. I never knew what caused it but it was nothing serious.

Anxiety makes you feel sick though. I am quite a catastrophiser and have had it on and off since I was about 16 (and I’m almost 60 now). Anxiety and fear can cause all sorts of symptoms. And the more we worry about those, the worse we get; it’s a truly vicious circle.
I also think that we are all still very very tired after the pandemic. It caused an awful lot of stress and mental health issues as we’d never experienced anything like it before.

I know it’s really awful, what you’re going through. 🫂
I had this years ago and ended up being put on anti-nausea tablets. I never knew what caused it but it was nothing serious.

Anxiety makes you feel sick though. I am quite a catastrophiser and have had it on and off since I was about 16 (and I’m almost 60 now). Anxiety and fear can cause all sorts of symptoms. And the more we worry about those, the worse we get; it’s a truly vicious circle.
I also think that we are all still very very tired after the pandemic. It caused an awful lot of stress and mental health issues as we’d never experienced anything like it before.

I know it’s really awful, what you’re going through. 🫂

Thank you for giving me some reassurance! 😊 sorry you’ve had to go through it all as well 😔
Thank you for giving me some reassurance! 😊 sorry you’ve had to go through it all as well 😔

Big 🫂 I hate seeing people being so worried and yet I’m an awful worrier myself and want to just smack myself around the ear. I do understand, though, after so long, that anxiety can be crippling. I mean, I know some people who are laid back even when they do actually have serious things wrong with them whereas I am pacing, wringing my hands, talking to myself, crying in an corner, etc. I wish I was a laid-back person but I never have been. After seeing and talking to doctors for so long I do take some comfort in the fact that anxiety throws up almost every symptom in the book. Pains here, lumps there, ( I’ve been to a doctor about supposed lumps and be examined to have them find nothing whatsoever), X-rays and ultrasounds that came back clear, stomach problems, headaches, rashes, nerve pains and more that prove to be nothing. And then, when tests, or the doctor or results are fine, I’m suddenly all bouncy and feel wonderful and that’s when I know that my mind was doing it all.
I had a lump under my arm .. it's not in my armpit but on the outside when I lift my arm. I also had two small spots there that came up just above it. It came up really red and angry and sore. I think it's from friction due to tight shirts. It never came to a head but I used a warm compress and it's basically gone now. I can still feel a bit of it and it's still a little sore. Thing is it looks kind of bruised now. Like it's left a bit of a purple mark. So strange I wonder if anyone has had anything similar?.
my skin goes a funny darker colour after I’ve had a boil/cyst!
Does anyone ever have periods of crippling HA that is a manifestation of other anxieties? Questioning every single thing. I am in a bad place with it at the minute, like Ashley Judd in the film Bug 😶
1000% yes. I have had chronic health anxiety since I was 11 years old. I'm 34 now and have had every test under the sun. The tests (thank God) have always come back clear but anxiety is a cruel beast and the somatic symptoms every constantly and relentlessly changing. At the moment I have been dealing with tingling in my feet and legs for the past 10 weeks that has me driven completely spare. Even though the tingling started the same day my Mam was admitted to a hospice it does nothing to relieve the worry. I genuinely wouldn't wish health anxiety on my worst enemy. You are fighting your mind and your body every single day.

I often think of Health Anxiety a bit like drug addiction but if you quit heroin you are not going to carry a stash of it around with you all the time. Every health anxiety sufferer knows googling isn't good but this little device that is never far from our hands generally makes the temptation to seek reassurance all to great.

Would strongly recommend Cherelle Thinks on YouTube. She is recovered from health anxiety and offers good tips on her YouTube and insta. Sending love to all out there that suffer from this absolute bastard of a mental illness.