Apparently, Nicola Sturgeon is still backing the wrong horse: she recently lamented that the gender reform debate has been captured by the same 'right-wing bigots' who opposed gay marriages. History will not be kind to her.
Sturgeon voted against gay marriage. She’s the biggest bigot going (and also so far deep in the closet she lives in Narnia)This is an excellent article which is full of praise for For Women Scotland and everything that they have done to bring the nonsensity of trans ideology and its impact on women's sex-based rights to the fore:
How a handful of outraged Scottish women changed our world
archived 22 Dec 2024 20:50:22
Apparently, Nicola Sturgeon is still backing the wrong horse: she recently lamented that the gender reform debate has been captured by the same 'right-wing bigots' who opposed gay marriages. History will not be kind to her.
He is full on TRA quoting Willoughby and the like. But what choice does he have really? The psychological wrangling it would involve having to confront the fact that his mum set him on a path to never becoming a sexually mature adult would probably break him. I’ve seen other social media posts of his where he says he suffers MH problems (unrelated to his experience, of course).Does anyone know if Susie Green's son that she castrated is happy pretending to be a woman?