hi all. i’ve lurked over the years on the various sites, and now here. i just happened to think to myself the other day “
i wonder what gabby is doing these days”, so i went on her channel and looked at her IG for about 2.5 seconds before i realised everything is exactly the same as when i stopped watching her / following her, which must have been maybe 2 years ago. it’s painful to see.
i read my way through thread #66 and thoroughly enjoyed it. thank you all for the giggles. a commenter there (i can’t recall who) mentioned that they are in a ‘gabby stage’ of their life. and i would probably agree. i recently moved 3 hours away from my hometown to be with my long-term partner but since being here my mental health has really faltered and a lot of the time i feel like an utter trash goblin. but i am trying so damn hard to integrate myself here and pick myself up, because that’s what any normal person does. they work on it. it makes me so, so angry seeing her have all this time on her hands and disposable income(!) and she won’t involve herself in ANYTHING or move her life forward in any way. infuriating. and all the ready meals!? what the actual
duck. maybe she should take a skillshare cookery course. silly me she would never do that. i forgot how much she irritates me.
anyway, happy to be here. i wondered, could someone give me context to the box shitting references? i’m not sure how far back i would need to read to find that…