Active member
I actually really liked her. The relaxed vlogs with Mike and the dogs with the odd product chucked it, it felt real. Her press trips were fun to watch even when the brands went totally over the top and spent hundreds of thousands to launch a mascara! The past two years have seen her turn into a prissy, entitled, money grabbing monster that “works with” brand after brand in pointless, boring, poorly disguised ads. It’s like watching QVC. I actually think she thinks we are stupid. Lazy “new this month” vlogs and quick shopping hauls to disguise a channel that is a mere shadow of what it was. There is nothing left in her channel that led me to hit the subscribe button in the first place. This year alone she has worked with at least 50 brands and was recently flogging flea collars because she really “believes in the product”, she also “really believes”in Lenor, Monika Vader, Hello Fresh, Jo Malone ....I could fill a book, a large book! The final straw was when she came on Instagram a couple of weeks ago saying “ could anyone recommend a good kitchen company” because she wants to renovate her huge, sprawling mansion. This was sooo obviously a plea for sponsorship it was nauseating! How about spending your own, very easily earned, money for once you greedy woman. I know it’s a job but there has to be some balance, something in it for the viewer? I think she is panicking and milking the gravy train for as long a she can. When more babies come along I can see her giving it all up and judging by her latest content I think she should!